Big Girls Dont Scry

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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StartWithTheName · 67452

While daisy is the clear favourite base set support character, having played through the corset scenarios with her in a heavy utility and clue hunting build I found her a little too lacking when new mob spawned causing her to become engaged. Once Encyclopedia is unlocked it is fantastic for boosting a combat focused chaperone if you have one ready for the kill (Shotgun Roland Banks anyone?), but you end up in a catch 22 where you are unable to use it while engaged and they are unable to take the mob off you and fight it after being boosted as this requires them to go first.

So - In this build ive taken her away from a shy hapless bookworm and borrowed a handful of tricks from the Agnes playbook. Your main focus as in most daisy builds ive seen is still clue hunting. As such its very tempting to stack her with searching gear such as Magnifying Glass and Flashlight, but with her base of 5 this is often overkill. If you come up against a heavily shrouded area, you can always burn card icons instead or use that Working a Hunch.

Early game you still want to get that Old Book of Lore out fast and that is really the only use for the Research Librarian (and/or Encyclopedia once you have it). After that the earlier you can get Dr. Milan Christopher the better to provide a steady source of resources to pay for the rest of the deck.

Now for self defence. Between, Blinding Light, Mind over Matter and Manual Dexterity she has 6 cards that can be used to evade as first action where needed. Blinding Light and Scrying give you a couple of damage options for smaller mobs or let you help pitch in on bigger fights as needed (while others tank them obviously). Having only 3 willpower spells might seem like an odd direction to take her. but once you've got that Encyclopedia you can boost to 5. Holy Rosary gives you another 1, plus some extra sanity to soak that hit from The Necronomicon if needed. Finally if you have as much cash as I did from Dr. Milan Christopher Arcane Studies should be viable late game I'm still 50/50 between this and Hyperawareness for evasion instead and happy to hear thoughts.

Finally a good selection of skill cards offer decent versatility when surprise skill checks crop up. you`ll often be paired with a partner so feel free to lend them out if you need to. Old Book of Lore should give you the card draw to keep fairly well stocked anyway, and of course many of them self-replace if the test is a success.

Likely first cuts once you have xp: 1x Overpower 1x Perception 1x Holy Rosary, and maybe the Medical Texts

Likely first imports: 2x Encyclopedia 2x upgraded Blinding Light, maybe Bulletproof Vest Cryptic Research and Disc of Itzamna also look like nice choices if you can afford them


Nov 21, 2016 Heyenzzz · 6878

I think both Hyperawareness and Arcane Studies are viable options.

With Daisy Walker agility/evasion is your weak spot, so it makes sense to add Hyperawareness to directly boost her weakest skill.

Arcane Studies helps evading in a more indirect way through boosting your chanches while using Blinding Light and as a bonus it can make your Shrivelling attack stronger. On the downside, Arcane Studies doesn't help with cards like Grasping Hands (or does it???? would have to consult the rules)

Nov 21, 2016 Heyenzzz · 6878

Forgot to mention in my previous post: about the cards you're considering to cut, I wouldn't part with Medical Texts. Healing options are scarce and It's a great healing ability on Daisy Walker. As Daisy, your health pool is small, the skill tests you make while using Medical Texts succeed consistently and using it the first time in a round doesn't cost you an action.

Nov 24, 2016 StartWithTheName · 67452

I suppose the logic for dropping the medical texts was mainly because in the games i played it never got played let alone used really. The other problem is it takes a hand slot. While you will eventually find that Daisy's Tote Bag, this isnt guaranteed and once yovue done at least 1 scenario you should be grabbing the Encyclopedias asap which takes the other hand slot up. I wonder if rather than healing that damage, it might not be easier to soak it with a Bulletproof Vest since this takes a body slot instead. Certainly thats how i got by in my previous games with Daisy, but obviously people will have their playstyle preferences.

re Arcane Studies vs Hyperawareness, i think there are good arguments for either but probably not the slots for both. the points you raise are very similar to those raised in a conversation with a friend of mine, we ultimately settled on arcane, though its still not necessarily wrong to take the other. re Grasping Hands or similar effects, you have 2x Manual Dexterity, 2x Unexpected Courage as back up, plus most games i dont use the Research Librarian unless hes in the starting hand and a tome isnt. once that tome is down, hes very much just icon fodder unfortunately with the ally slot really being reserved for Dr. Milan Christopher. Add to that the fact you will hopefully be teamed up with someone, you may be able to borrow a couple of things if needed. i mean its not 100% perfect, but it shouldnt catch you out too many times in a row unless your seriously unlucky

Anyway - these are all thoughts ofc.