Em Memória Afetuosa


Item. Espírito.

Cost: –.


Apenas no baralho de Mark Harrigan.

Sophie não pode sair de jogo.

Sofra 1 de dano direto: Você recebe +2 de valor de perícia nesse teste de perícia.

Forçado -Se Mark Harrigan tiver 5 ou mais de dano sobre ele: Vire Sophie para o outro lado.

Ilich Henriquez
O Caminho Para Carcosa #9.

É Tudo Minha Culpa

Ativo. Weakness

Item. Loucura.

Cost: –.


Sophie não pode sair de jogo.

Você recebe -1 em cada uma de suas perícias.

Forçado - Se Mark Harrigan tiver 4 ou menos de dano sobre ele: Vire Sophie para o outro lado.

Ilich Henriquez
O Caminho Para Carcosa #9.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: Some investigators' Signature Cards (e.g. Mark's Sophie, Pete's Duke and Diana's Dark Insight) are put into play or into your opening hand at the beginning of the game. My question is "You begin the game with..." is "when"? In which step of "Setting Up The Game"? Before or after draw opening hands (ST8)? Will these cards be shuffled into your investigator deck during setup? Or set aside? Will I draw these cards in the "Draw opening hands" step? Can Diana Stanley mulligan Dark Insight in the "Draw opening hands" step? A: Duke, Sophie, and Dark Insight should not be shuffled into your deck during Setup. The expectation is that you set these cards aside while you set up your investigator and deck. For Dark Insight specifically, it’s added to your hand at the end of Step 8; this would be after you’ve drawn your opening hand, and after you’ve taken or skipped the mulligan.
Last updated


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