Rita's RttDL Solo Run #8: Lost in Time and Space

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Rita's RttDL Solo Run #7: Where Doom Awaits 5 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1179

Opening Hand: Track Shoes, Waylay, Madame Labranche, Perception, Peter Sylvestre

Rita's going to face the final trial with her tried and true Peter and ... an old woman? During the entire campaign Madame Labranche never came into play and was drawn just three times. Perhaps the old woman was looking over Rita from afar and stepped when the situation became too dire for two young athletes to handle. We've got Charisma, so Madame Labranche shall finally get her chance to shine. That being said, we don't have any investigation tools in the opening hand and that's rather unsettling.






Rita's Boardstate: 9 health, 5 sanity, 2 resources, 1 clue

In Play: Madame Labranche (1 damage), Peter Sylvestre, Track Shoes, Plucky

In Hand: 2x Waylay, A Test of Will, 2x Last Chance, Lantern, Resourceful

Threat: Conglomeration of Spheres (1 damage)

So much time wasted. It's round 5 and Rita was barely able to get her first clue. She managed to recover a Lantern, but Lantern is the weakest of her investigation tools. In the meantime, Conglomeration of Spheres has just high enough evade to be more than an inconvenience for Rita. I had to make a choice between playing Track Shoes for more reliability or using Waylay to get rid of the monster. I'm not sure the choice I've made was correct, but at the very least with Track Shoes Rita can leave Realms Beyond whenever she's thrown there.






Rita's Boardstate: 1 health, 4 sanity, 1 resource, 1 clue

In Play: Peter Sylvestre (1 horror), Lantern, Track Shoes, Plucky, Cornered

In Hand: Last Chance, Lucky!, 2x Newspaper

Threat: Conglomeration of Spheres (2 damage)

No matter what happens next the world is saved. Although, Rita got as far as she did by the skin of teeth. Two Collapsing Realities very nearly destroyed Rita's only path to the Edge of the Universe, the first one she withstood via sheer willpower and the second by good fortune knocked out a non-essential location. Still, the delays combined with added doom were significant. Note rounds 9 and 10, where an elder sign was quite spectacularly counterbalanced by the latter auto-fail. With just one action left until Yog-Soggoth breaks through Madame Labranche faced death with courage. Meanwhile, it'll be arduous for the two youngsters to find their way back to their reality. As I look at the map I can reach Tear Through Time and discover the last clue, but I'm one action short to resign. Time to get creative!


Alas! Still, I'm satisfied with both Rita's performance and the campaign itself. The next time we'll get to see Jenny tackling the Circle Undone blind. As soon as the new encounter cards are added to the database.

Campaign Log:

Extracurricular Activity: The students were rescued. Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped. 3 XP (Vassal of the Lurker, Orne Library, Dormitories).

The House Always Wins: Naomi has Rita’s back. Dr. Francis Morgan was kidnapped. Rita rescued Dr. Henry Armitage. 4 XP (Servant of the Lurker, Art Gallery, VIP Area, Back Alley).

The Miskatonic Museum: Rita destroyed the Necronomicon. 4 XP (Nature Exhibit, Hall of the Dead, Restricted Hall, Medieval Exhibit).

The Essex County Express: Dr. Henry Armitage was kidnapped. Rita was delayed on her way to Dunwich. 1 XP (1 bonus XP).

Blood on the Altar: The ritual was completed. Dr. Henry Armitage, Zebulon Whateley, Professor Warren Rice, Dr. Francis Morgan & Earl Sawyer were sacrificed to Yog-Sothoth. 4 XP (The Hidden Chamber, 2 bonus XP).

Undimensioned and Unseen: Rita tried to warn the townsfolk and convince them to evacuate. No broods escaped into the wild. 2 XP (Charging Beast, Swelling Devourver).

Where Doom Awaits: Rita entered the gate. 3 XP (Seth Bishop, Sentinel Peak).

Lost in Time and Space: Rita is never seen or heard from again. FATALITY.


Feb 12, 2019 Gyara2020 · 1

Amazing write up! Thank you so much for sharing ant it's all been a pleasure to read.

Feb 12, 2019 Magnificate · 1179

Much appreciated!