1 Core + Dunwich Series: Wendy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hanne & Niels: Wendy 0 0 0 1.0

FBones · 18692

This deck is part of a series provided for people who have only a single core set & the Dunwich expansions. The rationale is that most of the decks on this site assume 2 core sets. If you have just 1 core set, you don't have much freedom in your deck, so there is not much point in publishing specialty decks. But if you have 1 core + Dunwich, you have some freedom in deck construction but not a lot of guidance.

The assumption is that you will be pairing with someone, probably Zoey or Roland, who can help take care of monsters. With only 1 Core, there are only 2 copies of each of the cantrips (e.g., Overpower, Perception) and Unexpected Courage, so I have limited Wendy to just those she needs, assuming her partner will take most of the rest.

A few key things to note:

  • Expectation is that you get a Fire Axe in one hand and some investigation aid in the other.
  • The expected use of Double or Nothing or when you have activated Flashlight in a room where the shroud is 2 or 1. Flashlight reduces this to 0, and doubling 0 gives you 0. Thus, Double or Nothing acts essentially like a Deduction, giving you an extra clue when you succeed. Note that if the shroud has been reduced to 0, you have >90% of success since you can only fail the skill test on an .
  • Another valid use for Double or Nothing is in the rare case where you have to attack someone and pump the fire axe all the way up to max, especially if doing so empties your resources. Note that Wendy has a better chance of succeeding in these skill tests than most due to her special ability.
  • Rabbit's Foot has a very nice synergy with Burglary because you almost always have the option of using burglary, and if you have not yet failed a skill test you get a consolation prize [one card] if you fail the Burglary test. Once you have Rabbit's Foot out, be bold in taking 1 risky skill test a round to get the most use out of it. Your special ability can be used to prevent nasty surprises from the chaos bag.
  • Think on Your Feet is particularly helpful when you team up with Zoey or Roland because they are probably using a Machete, and if an enemy spawns and you peace-out with Think on Your Feet, the enemy will automatically engage your partner if he is in the same room. This lets him get the bonus damage from Machete so long as he is not engaged with another monster.

Mar 05, 2020 fiatluxia · 64

Thanks for the list!

I tried it out playing Dunwich IA and IB, worked great overall. Liquid Courage seemed underwhelming though, even paired with Roland it was sitting around not doing much.

Mar 05, 2020 FBones · 18692

@fiatluxia, liquid courage may be more critical on harder difficulties.