The Chicago Slayer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PureFlight · 757


Since I first got the game, I was always enamored with the Chicago Typewriter. But my first deckbuilding attempts with it weren't very good.

Now that I've gotten better at Arkham, and that the cardpool for Skids has gotten very good, I thought I'd take another stab at it.

Party Role

This is Slayer Skids: all enemies, all the time. Lockpicks? More like Lamepicks. Go kill shit.

We should be teamed up with a seeker (or at least someone focused on fulfilling the clue-getting role). Would also fill the Slayer role in a 3-person team pretty well. 4-players might have too many enemies for Skids to handle by his lonesome, so I might recommend another Slayer (or at least two Hybrids) to handle the load.

Core Pieces

Obviously, this revolves around Chicago Typewriter. Sleight of Hand was practically designed for the typewriter, and then upgraded Derries gives us another target for Sleight and a way to deal damage without wasting precious Typewriter ammo.

I find Skid's 3 to be unsatifactory for a Slayer and therefore either Beat Cop or Hired Muscle becomes mandatory. I don't love Muscle in Skids because he makes it hard to save up resources for a power turn with Skid's extra action. With the Typewriter's penchant for using multiple actions, Leo De Luca is also a huge boon. My 0-xp version didn't have Leo, prioritizing Beat Cop and thinking you'd add him after you get Charisma, but obviously you can do what you like.

Typerwriter's 2 icons screams for Well Prepared, and Physical Training goes so well with Streetwise, so that whole package goes in.

Other Cards

  • I love "You handle this one!" in Skids and Finn to send your treacheries over to someone else better suited. Also avoids cataclysmic asset hate if you only have your expensive core pieces down.
  • Elusive is just stupid good sometimes. I'm always happy for the safety net when I draw it, and many times it gets you out of the worst binds.
  • Bandolier is annoying to work with because it never feels good to play. You might decide it's not worth it seeing as half the time you only have a Derry down anyway.
  • Charon's Obol isn't listed here but you will likely want it to afford all the core pieces. You might not need it in Forgotten Age, but in the other campaigns you will.


You're mostly just looking for your weapons so you can murder stuff. I like to hard-install a Derry for early enemies while I wait for the Sleightwriter combo. Early allies and money cards are probably next up on the mulligan train.

Other Options

You could consider Venturer instead of Leo De Luca to reload your Typewriter and lean into it more. Then Cache(3) looks really good.

If you're not finding enough money to activate your Skids action very often, try leaving in Lone Wolf instead of Bandolier or Overpower.

Level 0 Version

You can see below that most of the level 0 version gets directly upgraded into their xp equivalents. Machete turns into Typewriter. Cache to Hot Streak(2). Lone Wolf to Leo de Luca.

I wanted to keep low-level Skid's damage output high, so I went with Sneak Attack+Hatchet Man+Trench Coat. That converts into Physical Training, Well Prepared, and Bandolier.


Nov 04, 2018 mitsotakis666 · 1

Finally a way to use the typewriter! Hadn't noticed the typewriter-well prepared combo (lazy me)...