Dana Scully (Drawn to the Flame Competition)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Brownloaf · 687

This deck is my entry for the Drawn to the Flame Thematic Deck Competition. It's has been a great opportunity to combine 2 of my favourite IPs!!

Character - Zoey Samaras

This deck idea was inspired by a comment on the podcast noting that Zoey Samaras bares a resemblance to the actress Gillian Anderson, who played Agent Dana Scully in the X-files, additionally both characters share a strong faith and both gain strength from a crucifix. "But wait, surely a character representing Scully would have an intellect value of greater than 2??" True, however Scully is sceptical of the paranormal, so she would actually find it difficult to recognise/accept some of the clues she finds from her investigations in the Arkham files.

Story/Scenario - Where Doom Awaits

"Ok, but why would she appear in an Arkham file?" Story so far... During her time working on the x-files, Agent Scully mysteriously vanished in an unexplained incident at the top of a hill/mountain (end of series 2!!), later to be returned with little memory of what had happened to her. Those "aliens" were in fact Agents of Yog - Sothoth, who banished her back in time to the 1920's to prevent her interfering with their ritual. Disorientated and alone, Scully went undercover posing as a chef, calling herself Zoey, creating a backstory, and setting about trying to return to her own time. After much research, preparation and a disastrous train journey, she has discovered a ritual is to take place, again on top of a hill, in a town called Dunwich. If she reaches the top, perhaps she could return home, and prevent the impending doom she has predicted.

Card Choices

.45 Automatic, Flashlight, Extra Ammunition and Bandolier Standard FBI issue and possessions she had with her at the time of her abduction.

Whilst preparing for the final confrontation, she contacted Dr. William T. Maleson at Miskatonic university to see if he had anything which could help her. He mentioned to her his experimental Lightning Gun. She offered him designs for something called a microwave in exchange for the gun. "This is going to be big!" Maleson thought and excepted the trade!

Scully's FBI training would also come in handy - Keen Eye, Evidence!, Scene of the Crime, Perception and Desperate Search. As would her training as medical doctor and work as a forensic pathologist (thank you Wikipedia!) - First Aid and "If it bleeds..."

During her time in the 1920's she sought religious guidance and befriended the devout Brother Xavier who agreed to help her and gifted her a Holy Rosary.

Many bad things have happened to Scully in her time work on the x-files, and a lot of the time she has shown Unexpected Courage, and when bad things happen, she can normally think to herself "I've had worse…".

Maybe some of the answers she seeks can be found by reliving the events of her abduction, thinking back to looking up to the sky at that strange light (Drawn to the Flame), but who knows what horror that might unleash on her.

Finally she checks her pockets, and pulls out the flask containing a Strange Solution, labelled "Purity Control" (series 1!!). Maybe this will help? (No, and you probably couldn't pick a worse card for a Zoey deck, but thematically it fits perfectly and as an extra challenge when trying this scenario, see if you can identify it!)


Sep 27, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17382

I love this deck and this concept!

Sep 27, 2018 Brownloaf · 687

@TheBlackHorror Wow, thanks man! As a teenager of the 90's, Gillian Anderson will always have a place in my heart! Your entry was completely brilliant! I just read it again! I can't imagine how long it took to write! Really good writing!

Sep 28, 2018 acotgreave · 829

Well done - this is a great deck. Superb write-up and you deserved the accolades Frank and Pete gave on the podcast.

Sep 29, 2018 OzValdo · 691

so creative...what's not to like