Epic Sax Guy (Redux)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Epic Sax Guy 54 36 12 1.0
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None yet

king_mob · 493

Re-vamp of the original deck. After some thought, Ritual Candles are out - they don't add anything to a Jim deck that his ability doesn't already.

Added Burglary in place of Lucky! to try and overcome the cash flow issues that high cost mystic decks sometimes have (this was a suggestion by Django so credit to them).

The other changes are a singleton Knife that acts as a stop-gap until your set up, and a single Perception, as you will be investigating more with this deck, so why not get a card out of it.


Feb 24, 2017 Django · 5032

I just finished carnevale of horrors in a 4 player group with jim, after playing night of the zealot and curse of rougarou (jim lead investigator). Other characters were rex, zoey and agnes.

However we just barely won, 2 of 4 investigators were dead and the rest would've died next turn. Bulletproof Vest and Smoking Pipe payed off to compensate the damage. Thanks to modifications to jim's deck suggested here, he's much better than relying on too many spells.

Carnevale is very combat heavy, so the Machete really payed off (though due to Teamwork i used the machete from zoey, not my own).

Magnifying Glass was also great, it helped a lot with shroud 2/3 and parley.

However i'm not sure about Burglary. Both cards saved many charges on Shrivelling and Rite of Seeking, so i didn't need to play the second one early, which saved me ressources for other things.

The interesting part was, agnes burned through both Shrivellings pretty quickly, while i killed most enemies with my Machete and saved charges for difficult targets.

However after this scenario we realized, 2 mystics in a 4 man group's not a good idea, as they become useless when all charges of their important spells are used up and you don't have enough time to recharge with Book of Shadows.

Please note that the scucess of this deck was nothing jim specific, you could achieve the same with jenny or pete. From the new characters i consider him the weakest, as his ability rarely come up.

Feb 25, 2017 king_mob · 493

@Django i have to say i agree for the most part, i agree in the sense i don't think he comes close to comparing to Jenny and Pete as those two ID's have special abilities that effective every single turn of the game, but i still believe Jim is underrated and i think the value of having a marginally less varied chaos bag + mystic cards is high. I haven't had a chance to test Burglary myself yet, that can easily be a flex slot then depending on the campaign. For Carnevale of Horrors i would think Elusive x2 would be pretty effective.

Feb 25, 2017 Django · 5032

I was also very unlucky with jims signature item, as i only drew it once during the 4 scenarios. However when i did, it saved my ass, as he was down to 1 sanity (though he still had Holy Rosary and Lita Chantler with 1 horror left on each) and i could heal up to 5, before rougarou ended. In 4 player groups, skulls are more likely to show up, so you've got good chances to use Jim's Trumpet every turn.

However we decided to start over with a new 4 man party. I think i'll try jenny and wendy this time and go crazy with Elusive and Double or Nothing.

Feb 25, 2017 king_mob · 493

@Django yes in multiplayer games Jim's Trumpet is actually worth installing!