Rex Murphy joins Jim in Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nez477 · 1

After much research on reddit and BGG, I'm finally ready to do my first two-handed solo campaign. By random draw, it is going to be Rex and Jim trying to make their way through the Dunwich campaign, all 8 scenarios. I've only played about 7-8 games of AHLCG total, all of them multiplayer with friends. We gave up on our first trek through Dunwich so I haven't played the last three mythos packs. Should be fun!

Rex was the first investigator that I randomly chose and hence I tried to really focus on him being a massive clue-finder (obviously) given that Jim won't be as strong there. Some of the cards seemed pretty obvious (Flashlight, Magnifying Glass, Dr. Milan Christopher), so those were the base of the deck. I then felt that I've Got a Plan, Anatomical Diagrams and Mind over Matter were necessary to help with various attacks or evades that might be necessary.

The out of class cards were really difficult. I know that Scavenging is really popular for Rex but I decided I wanted to try a different build. This Rex is skiddish, cursed and is all about using his mind and intellect to figure out what is going on and also avoid sticky situations. I decided to go very heavy on the "I'm going to avoid monsters at all cost" route, thinking that Rex will do whatever he can to avoid trouble given all of the shit he's experienced in his previous life. "To survive, Rex has developed an inquisitive mind, keeping one step ahead of the next disaster." So he's taken his previous experience and is now "thinking on his feet" and focusing on avoiding disaster.

The last one I decided to bring along is the Dynamite Blast. Overall this deck is pretty cost effective and the Dr. should help with resources, hence I decided to have one option to blow up some enemies if needed. We'll see how that works.

The other piece that i really struggled with is Hyperawareness. Originally I had two of them, but I decided to get rid of one and add in a Manual Dexterity. Reddit seems to think that Hyperawareness is not a great card, but I think it COULD be situationally important so I decided to keep one.

I start the campaign tonight!