|| Mateo - How Divine Favors Seal the Win

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ichinokata00 · 505

|| Mateo's gimmick is that he can guarantee an auto-success at least once per round (Sig Ability + Ancient Covenant). On top of that, you'll know that there will always be a symbol token (Bless) and you'll know how much you succeed by.

So how do we take advantage of this?

1.) Guaranteed Card Draw and Resource Gain with 2x Crystal Pendulum and a Jewel of Aureolus.

2.) Upgraded Read the Signs and Spectral Razor will always come back to your hand at the end of your turn.

What's || Mateo's typical day look like?
Play Prophetic then use it to play Read the Signs(/card/06117). Use the Bless sealed on you + Ancient Covenant to guarantee success, then draw cards with 2 copies of Crystal Pendulum and gain 2 resources with Jewel of Aureolus. Rinse and Repeat next round.

Sounds OP right? Not really as he has some challenges to overcome first such as:

1.) Bless Generation

It would be nice if someone else from your team can generate blesses for you, like a fighter with Ancestral Token but if there's none, then you need to have some Keep Faith, Tempt Fate and even Priest of Two Faiths with you.

2.) Combo Setup

You'll be a resource generating and card drawing machine once your combo is ready but there's a bit of setup that needs to be done first. You need to get your combo pieces quickly using Scroll of Secrets, then Sacrificing it later. Your Guts and Crystal Pendulum will also help.

3.) Economy

We would want to play Read the Signs every round but we need the money to do it.

We can achieve this by having 2x Prophetic and Sacrifice. While Sacrifice sounds like a 1xp Emergency Cache, it's actually more than that. It has the flexibility to be used as an emergency card draw option or to discard your Earthly Serenity before your deck cycles. Once you have your Jewel of Aureolus, money will not be a problem anymore.

Level 0 Deck
Your Level 0 Deck will vary a bit depending on whether your teammates can generate bless or not.

Here's the link: https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/4586063

Upgrade Priority:

 Cost  Total
** Starting 8XP** 0 XP
   In the Thick of It  →  0 XP 0 XP
    +  Ancient Covenant •• 2 XP 2 XP
    +  Prophetic ••• 3 XP 5 XP
    +  Sacrifice 1 XP 6 XP
    +  Sacrifice 1 XP 7 XP
    +  Earthly Serenity 1 XP 8 XP
Upgrades 8 XP
   Rite of Seeking  →  Prophetic ••• 3 XP 11 XP
   Read the Signs    Read the Signs •• 2 XP 13 XP
    +  Relic Hunter ••• 3 XP 16 XP
   Read the Signs    Read the Signs •• 2 XP 18 XP
    +  Relic Hunter ••• 3 XP 21 XP
   Rite of Seeking  →  Jewel of Aureolus ••• 3 XP 24 XP
   Earthly Serenity    Earthly Serenity •••• 3 XP 27 XP
   Guts    Guts •• 2 XP 29 XP
   Guts    Guts •• 2 XP 31 XP
   Ward of Protection    Ward of Protection •• 2 XP 33 XP
   Ward of Protection    Ward of Protection •• 2 XP 35 XP
   Arcane Initiate  →  Eye of the Djinn •• 4 XP 39 XP
   Arcane Initiate  →  Nkosi Mabati ••• 3 XP 42 XP
   Clairvoyance    Clairvoyance ••• 3 XP 45 XP
   Clairvoyance    Clairvoyance ••• 3 XP 48 XP
   Clairvoyance •••    Clairvoyance ••••• 2 XP 50 XP
   Clairvoyance •••    Clairvoyance ••••• 2 XP 52 XP
   Spectral Razor    Spectral Razor •• 2 XP 54 XP
   Spectral Razor    Spectral Razor •• 2 XP 56 XP

(View at arkham-starter.com)


1.) Eye of the Djinn - Helps you test higher on non-will tests and can ready after you use your sealed bless. I also use this to guarantee that I succeed by 2 or more for Guts.

2.) Nkosi Mabati - Converts nasty symbol tokens (except Autofail) to a Bless token instead.

Other Considerations:
1.) Favor of the Sun - Bless on command would be nice to ensure that you can play and return two Read the Signs or Spectral Razors per round but this card is usually needed by your fighters and it also consumes bless. Only take it if necessary.

2.) The Key of Solomon - Similar problem as it also consumes bless. You can take this over Earthly Serenity if your team needs a lot of healing and there's someone who can constantly add bless to the bag.

3.) Seal of the Elder Sign - You can replace Promise of Power with this if you have the XP to spare.