Carolyn Fern - Synergy Therapy (19 xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

K_oroviev · 182


I made this deck together with some friends over Discord and I wanted to share it.

The deck is designed for a cluever and support role in standalone scenarios, and it is built to maximize the efects of synergy cards.

  • Call for Backup: the baseline effect we hope to get from this card is to heal 1 horror (and giveaway a resource), take a clue and deal 1 damage. The free move may be relevant, and the damage healing might help Carolyn stay alive, but I don't think you need to get the five colors to fire this off.

  • Close the Circle: I included this as an Eon Chart with (potentially) 5 uses. I mostly use this to move around, but being able to evade with comes up from time to time.

  • Gang Up: this card is insane. Once you have the 5 colors out, it allows you to snipe an enemy for 6 damage with just one test!


We support other investigators by healing them, giving them cards, and providing them with resources:

A fun combo to give away resources to a single investigator is to heal them with Liquid Courage (1) and then commit Leadership (2) to the . If it all works out, the investogator will get 3 resources, a card and 1 sanity heal!


If you are willing to go up to 29 xp, you can upgrade Peter Sylvestre and switch out Shortcut for Stand Together (3).