Just Get The Shot!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

todb · 3

This is a pretty by the book Darrell Simmons deck that relies a bunch on pushing down the difficulty of tests when things get tight. I love me some Difficulty 0 tests! Darrell collects evidence pretty steadily with the use of Darrell's Kodak, and combining that with staples like Lucky! and Live and Learn makes for some pretty sweet odds of pulling out a win more often than one might expect.

This fellow will be playing Path to Carcosa solo. RP-wise, I expect to have some fun being a paparazzi who was initially on assignment to get some juicy candid photos of the cast of the The Yellow Sign, but got himself dragged into the horrors to unfold.

On Card Selection

The available cards for this particular play through are limited to just the core set, the investigator sets, and the Path to Carcosa campaign set, according to the community play-along rules. So, that took quite a few decent Survivor cards off the table. But hey, that's okay!

Note, I can't figure out how to list the Stella Clark versions of Live and Learn and Dumb Luck, rather than the Heart of the Elders and Forgotten Age versions of the same. In reality, this deck is built only with Core Set, Harvey Walters, Stella Clark, Path to Carcosa, and Unspeakable Oath, with Darrell himself from The Scarlet Keys and the random basic weakness from The Circle Undone.

On Monster Management

Darrell is pretty garbage at fighting if he doesn't happen to have a weapon, and even then, he's merely okay (but of course, can often get Lucky!). He's a fine cluer with loads of book skills and a fair number of Seeker cards that let him pick up multiple clues in one go. Since I'm playing solo, I'm more comfortable with evasion tests anyway, since I won't be leaving monsters for other investigators to deal with, and evading a monster with evidence on them, so I can pick up a clue and that evidence, is what I'm planning on anyway.

On the Weakness

I drew The Tower • XVI randomly through this interface. The rules for the campaign play-along allows one to put all Basic Weaknesses in the pool. Not a terrible draw, since I don't think this weakness is as crippling as many people say. It basically comes down to "Spend four resources if you want to commit cards to tests," and I don't have anything else taking up the Tarot slot.

On Card Cost

Now that I know I have The Tower • XVI, I'm glad I opted for Emergency Cache during deck building -- I don't usually pick that one up, since I tend to design my decks on the cheap, but I wanted it so I could reasonably Dig Deep. The two .18 Derringers are my most expensive Assets, and Dig Deep can get pricey, especially towards the end.