Pete Scavenges Down the Rabbit Hole

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mccabej · 20

Pete Scavenge Down the Rabbit Hole

This is a fun Ashcan Pete deck that is designed to be very synergistic and helpful for your teammates. There are a couple of angles to the deck that are explained below.


Lucky Cigarette Case and Scavenging provide value for succeeding by 2 or more. If Lucky Cigarette Case is in the discard pile and you succed an investigation check by 2 or more with Scavenging (2) I believe you will be able to play and trigger Lucky Cigarette Case immediately since you're still in the appropraite window.

Fieldwork will hopefully be triggering often since Duke keeps Pete from staying in one place too long. The +2 skill bonus is helpful with triggering Scavenging and Lucky Cigarette Case.


Scavenging, Resourceful and Scrounge for Supplies make up the recursion Package. Ice Pick and Old Keyring can be continuosly discarded and recurred for extra clues.

Short Supply mills 10 cards that will almost surely be available for potential use as soon as the game begins.

Fail Resistance

Pocket Multi Tool, Granny Orne and Lucky! can be used to turn failures into successes. Once Pocket Multi Tool and Granny Orne have been upgraded they effectively raise Pete's stats by three. Add in Lucky! and Pete has the ability to add 5 to a skill test after the token has been pulled.

Upgrade Strategy

The deck is very experience heavy so the deck starts with In the Thick of It to help the deck get going and to help save experience down the road from Down the Rabbit Hole. Starting with 2x Ice Pick and At a Crossroads effectivly saves 3 additional experience.

Not including Pocket Multi Tool and Grizzled, the deck has 12 cards that can be upgraded, saving a potential 12 experience in future upgrades.

If you include Pocket Multi Tool and Grizzled the amount of saved experience becomes insane.