Roland Banks - 2-player (Dunwich+Carcosa)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingTempest · 11

Intended for use in 2+ player campaigns as a primary fighter, with options to gather clues along the way.

The primary goal of this deck is to buy Lightning Gun and melt your way through the campaign. The rest of the deck is built to support that idea - card searching through the likes of Prepared for the Worst and Eureka!, Bandolier to conserve Lightning Gun ammo by side arming a Machete or .45 Automatic and opting to pass on some of the typical Guardian upgrades like Beat Cop (2) that you can't spare the resources or XP for.

Roland's big weakness is his low sanity. I've opted to include cards to help out with this in the form of Smoking Pipe and the cheap Art Student to soak horror (who also doubles as a clue gatherer). Consider Elder Sign Amulet as an upgrade to soak even more horror.

When mulliganing as a primary fighter you really want to find a gun or your Prepared for the Worst. After that some of your sanity management cards are nice to have, just to prevent any early defeats.

In terms of priority XP buys, Lightning Gun comes out on top followed by Extra Ammunition and Stick to the Plan which, while expensive, does vastly improve consistency by ensuring you always start with cards like Emergency Cache, Shortcut and the aforementioned Extra Ammunition. Once the essentials are purchased consider upgrading your Shortcut (2) and Vicious Blow (2).