Leo and His Crew

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

vtpanda · 7

The point of this deck is for enemies to punch Leo (and his crew) and for Leo (and his crew) to punch back. I've definitely had fun with this deck.

The upgraded Guard Dog and Survival Knife are critical, and the upgraded Counterpunch is pretty essential too. The upgraded Beat Cop is maybe not critical or essential, but very very useful.

You may notice that I don't have Charisma in this deck. Mitch Brown seems to come up often enough that I don't particularly feel the need to pre-load the extra ally slot. The effect of this, of course, is that all of the allies in this deck are non-unique, but they all bring enough good benefits (and soak) that I don't really miss the unique allies.

"Watch this!" is the stand-in for Emergency Cache, and I use it mainly for the action compression; the extra pip is a nice bonus.

As an aside: yes, Decorated Skull is not likely the most efficient way to generate resources or cards, but I like it and it's thematic, so there.

Order of upgrades:

Critical Upgrades: Guard Dog, Survival Knife

Essential Upgrades: Counterpunch

Very Useful Upgrades: Beat Cop

Upgrades to consider after the above upgrades (in some order): Vicious Blow, Heroic Rescue, Agency Backup (this replaces Medical Student ("poor students; they seem to show up long enough to heal people before they die off")), Enchant Weapon (this replaces Steadfast or Daring)

Least important upgrades: .45 Automatic