Roland Banks final test before carcosa Steve

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tecnogod · 2

this is the final test before we start the path to carcosa. our three player party seem to be lacking a solid fighter and so I decided to try Roland. hey special ability and deck construction roll seem to be pretty solid and this is the last chance before we start a new campaign to find a good character that complements our party. if you have any suggestions to help rolling fill this role please comment thanks for checking out the stack


Mar 01, 2018 AndyB · 935

9 Weapons and Prepared for the worst? I'd be tempted to lose the Trench Knife in favour of Evidence! or Inquiring Mind. Logical Reasoning would be a boon too - First Aid isn't that efficient, so I'd be tempted to swap it out.

Mar 01, 2018 daniel08 · 1

-2 trench knife -2 .32 colt -2 first aid -2 beat cop -1 .45 automatic

+2 Doctor t. Maleson +2 guts +2 inquiring mind +2 On the Hunt +1 Smoking Pipe

First upgrade 2x Beat Cop (level 2) Thats all i can propose...Have fun!