Wendy Adams the cutthroat vagabond

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

braindrayn · 14

With the inclusion of waylay evasion has now become at least a slightly better combat option especially when you can pretty much instantly take out a non-elite worth victory points! T


I kept lantern in mostly for its ability to be able to sac it to do one extra damage to round out the 3 damage you would get from a backstab. Obviously evade big baddies when you can and use waylay to take out the juicier/more annoying targets. You can then use resourceful to get waylay back into your hand allowing you to theoretically take out 4 monsters with this technique. Use double or nothing with backstab to absolutely obliterate some of the tougher baddies. Sneak attack I am sort of plus or minus on but it is another way to get some untested damage in.

Possible upgrades: switching out lantern for switchblade(2) or the upgraded derringer

Investigating I was paired with a dedicated cluever so I didn't include things like flashlights or shovels. Lantern is there to help out on the odd time you do need to investigate and dig something back up from the discard pile (item fodder such as rabbits foot).

Possible upgrades: lantern to lockpicks

Resources Between emergency cache and "watch this!" I never felt short on resources and this is with starting indebted as my weakness! Your most expensive card costs 3. Obviously this will get better with an upgraded pickpocketing.

possible upgrades: pickpocketing to upgraded pickpocketing

Skill tests Between Wendy's ability to reroll and the large number of ? test icons you'll have at your disposal making skill tests shouldn't be a huge problem and it only gets better with more experience.

Possible upgrades:

daring maneuver to either lucky dice or upgraded opportunist

This deck is by no means optimized and I'm posting this here to get some feedback about how it might be improved. I played this deck with a dedicated cluever in the form of Daisy so its a little less investigation heavy but it seemed to perform well at least in its first outing on Curtain Call.



Feb 20, 2018 aleanjir · 152

I like the layout of the deck, aside the little to no investigation cards, but that comes down to difficulty. If standard it's fine, if hard, always take Flashlight.

I feel like you're missing out by not having Fire Axe and Madame Labranche in this deck, it's simply amazing for when you simply have to hack slash or don't want to waste an event on a ghoul minion. While obviously peter is more desirable if it comes down to sophie's choice, Madame Labranche has 2 health/2 sanity and will easily pay for herself. If you go into a combat check with only 1 resource you can still use her to get you another resource during the window and get to 5 combat and 2 damage, with her ability behind that on top of all the skill cards you're running you'll be able to deal with any non VP enemies with ease and have a strong swing left in you at the end of a boss fight after you run out of conventional tricks.

I feel like Double or Nothing is a situational card I would pretty much never want to have 2 of in my hand at once, granted on Wendy it can just be discard fodder... even so, I'd say cut it to 1...

The rest of it I think is a great fit, not having Manual Dexterity in there seems a bit weird but it's a tight deck and there's little room... +2 which is most of what you'll be needing with card replacement is kind of amazing...

Recommended cuts:

-1 Double or Nothing

-2 Daring Maneuver Right now it only synergizes with Quick Thinking and Scavenging... and without the .41 Derringer I just don't see the point. If anything you can throw these back in if you buy Adaptable after you get more cards where this matters

-1 Emergency Cache if you have indebted and never feel short on resources as is, might not be needed

-1 Quick Thinking. It's a nice ace up the sleeve but... you pretty much need to commit an extra card here or use her ability to get the extra action unless it's something like killing a rat or if you flashlight/lantern an investigate down to 0. And right now you're not even running flashlight.

+1-2 Fire Axe

+2 Madame Labranche

+1-2 Flashlight

Honorable mention Manual Dexterity. Difficulty really decides where you go. Also Elusive, since you can use it simply for mobility's sake. If you run Elusive + "I'm outta here!" you can very easily finish off The House Always Wins by getting you 1 location away from your target as a fast action and let you resign from the bar. Let's you grab Morgan/Peter and resign in one turn, and can use Adaptable to drop "I'm outta here!" right after. You can also use Elusive in The Gathering to get into the parlor and go for a parley on Lita yourself, but Daisy might be more suited to the task. Still, Elusive into the parlor, parley her, move into Hallway, Attack with fireaxe with Lita's help, do 3 damage, have Daisy shortcut into the hallway, use "I've got a plan!" x2 for 4 damage each (2 clues to spare plus Lita) with 1 action left over to go for a shriveling. Can drop the Ghoul Priest in one round this way, and even if you were engage with enemies, the fast play movements get you where you need to be with no attacks of opportunity. So, whether Zealot or Dunwich you can fine tune this deck a bit better for the task. In which case, Fine Clothes + Elusive for sure.

Ideal first purchases:




Adaptable *

With Streetwise you'll be able to hit some of those +2 successes more easily and you can use Adaptable to add in some +2 success cards later, maybe pick up a .41 Derringer or 2 in the second or third buy, depending on what campaign this is.

That's my 2 cents on this deck,

Feb 21, 2018 FractalMind · 42

How has this deck performed in actually play? I have concerns that you will not be able to pull off Double or Nothing with any kind of consistency.

Feb 21, 2018 DigitalAgeHermit · 24

@aleanjirWendy is restricted to level 2 Rogue cards, so Streetwise is out of reach for her

Feb 21, 2018 braindrayn · 14

Thanks guys for taking a look! I'll try to respond point by point.

Regarding fire axe and Madame Labranche. While these cards are absolutely excellent in a dark horse build in this particular build even with indebted as my starting weakness I neither ever ran out of cards (with pickpocket) nor ran out resources. Admittedly I still need to playtest this deck more but if that is the case it would be difficult to use either of those which is why the BMOC seemed to work so much better.

Regarding double or nothing I was actually quite surprised that I was able to pull it off but I found I had plenty of ? skill tests in my hand even after drawing 2 hidden treacheries clogging up my hand. You obviously need to plan a little bit ahead but its usefulness in just absolutely nuking a target is amazing. You always have the backup of rerolling the chaos bag which makes it even easier to pull off. Additionally you could use it on low shroud locations to do a double investigate. Its situational true but you'll probably always have a chance to use it in some form or fashion.

No manual dexterity I rarely take his skill card, even on other investigators. For one there are so few evasion tests and with an agility of 4 (5 with BMOC) you are usually safe using the cards in hand to pump yourself up. Between the agility and ? icons you have plenty to boost your skill score. Again this is personal preference, I'd be curious about what other people's experience has been.

Daring Manuever

I think you may be right about this card but I couldn't think of any other great replacements but having the ? is pretty helpful. If you end up slotting in switchblade or derringer later it is still helpful.

Quick thinking Again its more about the icons but having an extra action is always a nice bonus. I could see taking it out for more weapons or elusive if its not to your liking.


I usually play on standard with a buddy but I could see cutting something else to put it in if you play solo. Once you get lockpicks you probably won't be using this as often.

Weapons in general for Wendy I kind of lean against putting weapons in for Wendy because lets face it her combat value is complete garbage and even with a +2 you're sitting an average 3. I'm not totally against it though and would be curious about what other people's experiences have been.

So far at least on Curtain Call the deck worked much better than expected. I'll try to post more if I get a chance to play test it more. Thanks for your comments!

Feb 21, 2018 PaxCecilia · 404

I don't think Scavenging is a worthwhile card in this decklist. You aren't going to get much value because of how little you have to pump into investigation, and it only has 2 valid targets. In terms of getting the deck tighter, I'd focus changing them primarily, possibly even just for 2x Lucky!