Independent Anderson

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lodge_Infiltrator · 1

This list assumes you own only a copy of the Revised core set and a copy of the forgotten age investigator expansion

It's build for independent scenarios, hence the 9 experience, the most you can have without taking an aditional Random Basic Weakness. It also assumes you are playing solo, hence the large number of ways to gather clues

With plenty of weapons and allies, you are practicaly giaranteed to have both of them, meaning you will be able to kill monsters and make the most of Leo's skill and token. WIth plenty of ways to gather clues that ignore shroud, plus Leo's modest 3 and lots of you can use with Well Prepared, you also should have no issues advancing the Act deck in most scenarios

The greatst weakness with this deck is by far the high cost of several of the cards you want to play. You should avoid playing Allies normaly to save as much as possible with Leo's skill and consider hard mulligan for Emergency Cache if you can afford it

In multiplayer you could probably cut a few of the clue gathering events, focusing solely on killing monsters and leaving clues for the seekers. In their place you can use some utility (Backpack) extra soak (Trusted) or a Burglary for the extra resources you desperately need

For a 0 exp version of this, replace Well Prepared with Unexpected Courage and Cat Burglar with either Guard Dog or (To avoid playing too many Allies without Charisma) one of the options from before. I would recomend a Elusive thou, so you are completely defenseless should you happen to be caught by an enemy unprepared

For a version with more exp, upgrading to .41 Derringer(2) for the powerfull extra action, Beat Cop(2) for the repeatable extra damage and Leo De Luca(1) for the reduced cost are no-brainers and should already significantly improve the power level of the deck while only requiring a single extra Random Basic Weakness when playing an independent scenario, at 19 exp

For a version with even more exp trading the .45 Automatic for a Flamethrower is the obvious choice, as well as a second Charisma so you are not dependent on Mitch Brown to have a ridiculous amount of allies out. If you choose to do this in a multiplayer game, consider adding Extra Ammunition, Custom Ammunition and/or Venturer, as you can't have too much ammunition with a Flamethrower. Or, to use it's proper name, a F██████g flamethrower!. Just beware that you will need a wopping three extra Random Basic Weakness when playing an independent scenario! (Or two if you add a single Flamethrower)

Now get out there and start those expeditions!


Nov 21, 2023 Lodge_Infiltrator · 1

Updated from the previous iteration after some playtesting

I found it had too many icons and not enouth icons. Plus, Venturer was not worth the money most of the time, as you strugle for resources and don't really have any superstar weapons that would make the extra ammo worth it. Also, the flashlight wasan't really necessary, as Scene of the Crime and Evidence! are more action efficient and Well Prepared already serves for investigating low-shroud locatios in a pinch

So I removed Venturer and Flashlight in favor of Guts and Survival Knife