Power Word Carolyn [4P, Expert] 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Jacqueline - Chaos Magick (Deck Guide) 677 564 48 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

SoulGambit · 139

Updated and refined the deck. This is ameant to be a Support/Cluever in a 4P Expert Carcossa Blind Run.

How does it Find Clues?

How does it handle enemies?

  • Power Word can exhaust enemies or send them away.
  • Alice Luxley offers some pling damage.
  • Mostly, she asks for help in this area.

How does it handle the Mythos Deck?

How does it get rolling?

Strategy and Upgrade Path

Scenario 1, you want to focus on deciphering Ancient Stone at a Shroud 4+ location (for an inevitable 7+ charges). Besides that, focus on clues.

4xp off your first Encounter lets you upgrade both Ancient Stone for 2xp and then upgrade Power Word with Tongue Twister, Confess, and Betray. At that point the core of your deck is coming together. Ancient Stone is a pile of resources and sustain for your entire team. If needed, use On the Hunt to collect a choice enemy for Power Word. Use Power Word to keep a minion around collecting clues, dealing damage, and staying exhausted.

If you earn another 5xp you'll have enough for two upgraded Stand Together and getting Thrice Spoken on Power Word. That just improves your general consistency.

From there, I would focus on adding in two Field Agents and Charisma (total of 9xp). Meanwhile, use Down the Rabbit Hole to upgrade Empirical Hypothesis with Trial and Error as well as Field Research. Use any excess xp to upgrade Deny Existence, Hallowed Mirror, Logical Reasoning, and On the Hunt.

Try to space your upgrades out to get the most out of Down the Rabbit Hole and Arcane Research. If things are spaced out correctly, you can have all of that upgraded by about scenario six.

Alice Luxley can be traded out for Field Agent. A Grim Memoir can be traded out for Thrice Spoken.


Aug 16, 2023 endoviking · 21

I like this a lot. Somehow Carolyn continues to be a blast, I guess it's her weird deck-building. Very nice, I will definitely be giving this a try next time I have a power word craving.

Aug 16, 2023 SoulGambit · 139

Did a quick Return to the Night of the Zealot run playing 4 people with this deck to check it out.

It works. 1xp shy of a perfect run. The draw is a bit weak, which is what I was worried about, though its only a hair weak and is probably live with-able. The good news is once she has like any of her pieces she can contribute, and then just slowly grows from there.

I upgraded out of Grim Memoir entirely once I got Thrice Spoken and then upgraded Emporical Hypothesis.