Whack The One Eyed Wonder Luke! - 19xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Snakesfighting · 94

Whack The one eyed wonder, with Luke and his oversized tool - the most fun you can have with just your will and a blunt instrument!

This is a Fighty Luke Robinson Deck, based around having A Cyclopean Hammer to smash those enemies away. The hammer gives Luke the ability to knock enemies into connecting locations, he can then use his investigator ability to play event spells as if he was at that location. Note that Blinding Light, a staple Luke favourite, means that Luke can bash hunter enemies away then evade them to keep them at bay. That’s if he can’t kill them outright or knock them 2 locations away instead! Alternately, Luke can corral his enemies by knocking them into each others location then unleashing a Storm of Spirits on them - straight out of Hades baby!

Before we go any further it’s important to note that Whitton Greene is really important to this build, you should mulligan hard for her. Not only does Whitton’s stat boost trigger straight away thanks to Luke starting with his Gate Box in play, she can also help search Luke’s deck for his hammer (or his Tooth of Eztli if his hammer is out of reach). The extra will pip from the Four of Cups means it should probably stay in your opening hand, but it’s Whitton or the Tooth that are the top priorities, other than the Hammer.

The Hammer itself only does 2 damage, unless you manage to succeed by 3 or more. That’s where the Brand of Cthugha comes in. The damage on the brand is more reliable, if you need to do 3 damage in one go, but it’s not the show pony here, it’s more of an old workhorse. There’s a great economy with the brand when compared to other mystic damage dealing spells, as if it fails you don’t loose any charges. It's unlikely, from experience, to succeed by 0 as you get a +2 from the spell, +1 from Whitton and (maybe) +1 from the tarot. That being said you may need to consider using the hammer if you’re overwhelmed with enough 3+ health enemies and caught without a good Storm of Spirits. In this situation it's often better to just exercise some cyclopean crowd control.

There’s no getting around the fact that the Cyclopean Hammer costs a Titanic 5 resources. Crack the Case is an event, however, so please remember you can play it from as if at a connecting location if your team mate discovers the last clue. As Luke’s Dream-Gate is connected to all revealed locations, he can even fast action into his gate box during someone else’s turn and play crack the case from there. Uncage the Soul is such a great card for both resource economy and the hefty 2 will pips that it helps the hammer have its way. Robes of Endless Night also provides some much needed damage soak and savings on resources over time.

Enraptured is there mostly to get some cheeky bonus charges on the Gate Box but there’s a few flex options for rounding out this deck to get some extra clues should you find yourself in a less specialised team. Considering Luke’s high will (and his Tooth of Eztli) it’s not hard for Luke to pick up a clue from True Understanding, while rebuffing a treachery, this can be a good option for some extra clueing. He can also pick up singular clues easy enough but you may want to swap in Read the Signs if there’s no hardcore cluever on your team. Occult Theory is super powerful for Luke, for both hammer time and a high shroud clue. It could be swapped for Divination or even Earthly Serenity as Luke can quickly get to his Allies if they need healing. If your scenario has a bigger map, then Winds of Power could be a good alternative to get those extra charges on the gate box. Another good flex card for Luke is Shortcut as it means he can get in and out of his Dream-Gate without using an action, thusly, saving more slobber for clobber!

Which ever way you swing, this deck is sure to delight you and your team mates. When the chips are down just go all hity with your hammer and you can turn even the most heinous of situations around.