Parallel "Skids" through the deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

frapet · 121

"Lucky huh? Nah, I make my own luck."

Hello investigators,

Paralell "Skids" O'Toole is in a fantastic place after the recent Scarlet Keys expansion and he is a blast to play. Most of that has to do with a combination of archtypes that are playable and synergize within his toolkit. so lets get started:

1: Big Money Skidds ability is a moneymaker up till standard difficulty. Even if you conservatively gamble 1 resource per turn.Together with Lone Wolfand Stylish Coat thats 4 resources a turn (5 if you add Gregory Gry). Even more resource generation is found in cards like Thieves' Kit, Investments and "Watch this!" on a very sweet 0 difficulty test from your action.

Now how does sitting on a pile of cash help us? Payouts for these can be found in cards like Well Connected, Money Talks or in xp cards like The Black Fan. While these are the 'Sitting on a pile of money' cards there are ofcourse ways to spend it as well. Apart from never having to look at the cost curve of your deck. Cards like Intel Report or Small Favor are easely played with cash to spare.

2: Succeed by X Oh how lovely that you have a test each turn that can be completely inconsequential. Ofcourse there could be consequences depending on the chaos bag's special symbols,but seeing as you could test against 0 these are usually mitigated on standard difficulty. You can also trigger this test in ANY action window for optimal timing. Cards like Nimble and Quick Thinking become even more versatile becouse of it and Lucky Cigarette Case is almost sure to fire each turn. Whilst upgrading cards like Momentum are things to look out for.

3: Tiny deck There is no real established archetype for this but it is remarkable. Skidds can go to a 20 card deck without only singles thanks to Underworld Support and his deckbuilding. Let's start out with why this is great: The Rogue cardpool has the highest density of high impact exceptional cards. In most decks that means its 1 out of 30 cards. In Skids it's 1 out of 20. Let's take The Gold Pocket Watch as an example. It is a card that in 4-player is worth 12 actions, 4 resources and 4 cards for the team. A fantastic deal! The Red Clock and it's higher xp version (The Red Clock), the previously mentioned The Black Fan. All quality cards that have a higher chance to be found in this deck (especially helped by Lucky Cigarette Case's card draw).

Now there is the option to get a bigger deck than the twenty. Skids' additional deckbuilding option surrounding fortune or Gambit cards circumvents Underworld Support 1 per deck limit. Making it possible to play with 3 copies of Lucky! in various upgrades, multiple copies of Hot Streak, multiple copies of "Look what I found!". A trade off in deck-size (smaller is better) but for quality cards (and in Lucky! case they replace themselves).

4: Miscalaneous The deck gets a great sort of "Make your own luck" feel with Lucky!, "Look what I found!" and the sheer number of tests you do each turn that might net you more tokens. Which are fantastic for recursion! To add to that feel I really loved upgrading into Eucatastrophe.