Calvin Wright (FFG Starter Decklist)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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restlesshead · 343

From Arkham Horror: The Card Game Investigator Decklists, v7:

Calvin Wright Strategy Tips

Calvin is a relentless survivor who gets stronger as he takes damage and horror. His skills can vary between 0 and 5, depending on how many licks he’s taken, so he tends to have a weak early game and a strong late game. As such, this deck has several ways of helping Calvin through the early parts of a scenario, so he can thrive during the endgame.

Calvin starts each scenario with zeros in every skill, but as a survivor, he has many tools to help him overcome this. Use Flashlight and "Look what I found!" to discover clues at locations with 2 shroud or less (remember that your skill value cannot drop below 0, so you will almost always succeed if the shroud is also 0), and Dumb Luck to temporarily get rid of enemies before you are able to deal with them. Lucky!, Unexpected Courage, and Last Chance can also help you succeed at tests you should have failed.

Once Calvin starts taking damage and horror from treacheries and enemy attacks, he becomes much stronger. Don’t be afraid to take damage and horror when your skills are low, as this may help you in the long run—just don’t go overboard! Once Calvin has 4–5 damage or horror on him, your tactics should switch to simply staying alive.

While most investigators seek to avoid trauma at all costs, Calvin can take a few points without suffering too much. Don’t be afraid to put yourself in dangerous situations for the good of the party. Even if you are defeated, you’ll be back in the next scenario, tougher than before.