"Skids" O'Toole - Well Take A Look at Me Now

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArchKali · 1

Wanted to smarten Skids up a little and move some of that fighting stuff to sneaky stuff. I think this is a way stronger deck all around, and I like playing Skids as a handicap challenge. Took some good advice from comments on his character profile, and tossed in a couple of extras for good measure. Doubled up on heals, and Lockpicks, and added Followed to get him a knowledge boost, and Cheap shot to take advantage of his crazy agility!

Got rid of Beat CopCop and Opportunist plus Guts and Overpower because more than cards, Skids needs resources - that's right - cold hard cash. That's how things get done in the underground, quick and resourceful. No one wants to end the night with a busted lip.