Ultimate Support Calvin [Edge of the Earth]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

clarionx · 231

What if every bad thing that happened at your table, happened to you? And what if that was a good thing?

Your goal with this deck is to get to 5+ horror as fast as possible to get Scavenging online - use Self-Sacrifice, Ward of Protection, Meat Cleaver, and "Let me handle this!" to get you there. Of the cats Miss Doyle offers, Augur is your best friend. As you gather clues, your teammates and their partner cards will be thankful for your endless supply of Bandages and Grimm's Fairy Tales to keep them protected from the harsh winter conditions.

But once you're one scenario in? That's where the fun begins. Once you get 6XP under your belt, you've got a pair of Ice Picks, and suddenly you're an unstoppable clueing machine. Investigate with Ice Pick -> Succeed and discard it for a bonus clue -> Pick an ice pick up with Scavenging because you succeeded by 2 -> Play it immediately because it's fast -> Repeat next turn. Have a second copy of Scavenging? Pick up some more Bandages and Catalogues for your friends, or don't wait a turn and Ice Pick for 2 clues again.

Upgrade Path:

  1. 6XP to to replace two Grimm's Fairy Tales with Ice Picks
  2. 2XP to replace Cherished Keepsake with Moon Pendant
  3. 4 to 5XP on Charisma plus either Jessica Hyde or Peter Sylvestre
  4. Repeat step 3 for maximum survivability.
  5. Go nuts. After your first 14XP your Ultimate Support Calvin is basically complete! Some fun options are listed in the Side Deck.

Dec 16, 2021 Thatwasademo · 56

Unfortunately, the Ice Pick / Scavenging combo doesn't work exactly as described. Scavenging is a response to success, so it triggers immediately after ST.6, but the effect that discards Ice Pick is an additional effect of the skill test, resolved as part of ST.7. You'd have to investigate again to get the pick back, unless you get a second pick to cycle with.

Dec 16, 2021 clarionx · 231

@Thatwasademo - Gah, you're right. I hate the language on cards in this game sometime. I before E, except after C. If before after, except when in Arkham.

It's still quite a strong support deck even if it has to gather clues slightly slower, though. :P