Three-colour Combo Finn 30xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Three-colour Combo Finn 0xp 1 0 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

cheekysausage · 2

This is an upgraded version of the Three-colour Combo Finn deck I posted elsewhere. See the other deck for commentary, but the idea is to get all 3 copies of A Glimmer of Hope in the discard pile as soon as possible. Once there, Finn can spend 1 resource and an action to return them to the hand and keep committing three wild icons to whatever he choses. The trick to doing this is to commit and exploit the text on the Daredevil card as soon as possible. This card discards cards until you reach another rogue skill, only, there are no other rogue skills in this deck. Committing this to a test therefore opens the gateway for 3 x A Glimmer of Hope moving forward. Daredevil is a practiced skill, and so Practice Makes Perfect helps search for it.


Aug 20, 2021 toothball · 76

I like this way that this is perhaps a rare case where you don't want to upgrade Daredevil!