Three-colour Combo Finn 0xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Three-colour Combo Finn 30xp 0 0 1 1.0

cheekysausage · 2

This deck was constructed for Nice-book's weekly deck challenge. The challenge for this week was a combo involving three different colours. For this deck, the combo uses Daredevil (green), Practice Makes Perfect (yellow), and A Glimmer of Hope (red).

The idea is to get all 3 copies of A Glimmer of Hope in the discard pile as soon as possible. Once there, Finn can spend 1 resource and an action to return them to the hand and keep committing three wild icons to whatever he choses. The trick to doing this is to commit and exploit the text on the Daredevil card as soon as possible. This card discards cards until you reach another rogue skill, only, there are no other rogue skills in this deck. Committing this to a test therefore opens the gateway for 3 x A Glimmer of Hope moving forward. Daredevil is a practiced skill, and so Practice Makes Perfect helps search for it.

Obviously, this is slightly jank. Playing daredevil will not only lead to the eventual exhaustion of the deck (1 horror), but it also makes it likely that you will have to deal with Caught Red-Handed and your random basic weakness, as these cards return to your deck after Daredevil. There is also an issue that Caught Red-Handed might keep cycling between your deck and play if no enemies are about. Knowing Arkham Horror, that won't be for long, but it is something to consider.

Outside of that, the deck is prettty free to build as you like. The example here is a solo build, so we've got some combat and investigating options. I've put Lone Wolf and Pickpocketing in for some economy, and Tennessee Sour Mash, because I like to dream that, with Guts and A Glimmer of Hope, Finn might be able to reliably pass willpower tests on treachery cards. I'm doing it wrong, I Know, but let me dream...


Aug 19, 2021 Bierleichen · 1

Pushing your whole deck into your discard pile may not actually be the worse way of dealing with Caught Red-Handed, especially if you manage to hit your Random Basic Weakness early. Caught Red-Handed can't shuffle into a non-existing deck, so take the horror and laugh off one dead draw.

Aug 19, 2021 cheekysausage · 2

I get where you are coming from, but shouldn't an unresolved Caught Red-Handed just go back in to your deck in that instance? It seems a bit cheeky to not return it just because it wasn't shuffled with at least one other card...

Aug 19, 2021 toothball · 76

That's covered in the FAQ! I think it's to avoid drawing a weakness over and over again, so don't feel bad about it!

(1.13) Shuffling A Card Into An Empty Player/Encounter Deck A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its current game area.

Aug 19, 2021 cheekysausage · 2

Wooooo! Eee gad lads! I guess this deck may have some mileage after all then. Thanks for the rules clarification there! I'll stick the 30xp version of the deck up, just in case anyone is actually interested in campaigning with this.