Minh next to Skin

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

OzValdo · 691

This isn't your usual & this isn't certainly Solo!

This is a janky fun deck to endlessly support your fellow investigators...

who need +2 to their success, no problem.

who need protection, Keep Minh by your side.

who need to pack a punch to their Shotgun, let Minh teach you.

Minh will make feel their basic spells look like an upgraded one.

Lola Hayes doesn't need to be a Dark Horse, whilst she has Minh.


My average turn is move & draw cards.

For your starting hand, you need your Laboratory Assistant. And a copy of Preposterous Sketches won't hurt.

Other than Lucky! and Preposterous Sketches, the rest of the events are double icons to make use as commitments. Although, I'm a real big fan of Hiding Spot in a 4 player game, especially since its fast, it can be played out of turn, and for any location!

Resourceful will recur any of the survivor cards. I generally draw Lucky or Rise to the occasion.

Once Analytical Mind comes out your draw engine will be crazy!

Given the amount of ? icons in this deck, it's not difficult to over come The King in Yellow weakness.


x2 Pathfinder is really crucial because you have to be swift on your feet, and help others. Shortcutcan then be discarded.

x2 Encyclopedia are also great for this deck to dish out +2's to fellow investigators

Have fun!! :)

P.s. Just don't let your friends say 'Skills' when facing Terror from Beyond


Sep 29, 2017 OzValdo · 691

Correction: Oops! got changed to Shortcut