Father Mateo in 'Return to the Forgotten Age'

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

madcircus · 122

Father Mateo goes into the jungle with it's criminal friend Finn Edwards and the librarian Daisy Walker

The original idea of the team was to fill the bag with curse tokens, father Mateo would use Armageddon and Paradoxical Covenant, Finn would use "Lucky" Penny and Daisy Walker would accomplish the Cryptic Grimoire 'quest'. Unfortunately, with many tokens on the bag, tests were too difficult to really do anything well in RttFA, and the idea was abandoned eventually.

Anyway, Blessing of Isis, and tech made Father Mateo a good mystic and supporter.

Since Forgotten Age has so many enemies that you shouldn't kill, Father Mateo was a capable the damage dealer, killing those nope-ropes, victory monsters and every non-vengeance hunter enemies.

We also did Murder at the Excelsior Hotel and Consternation at the Constellation as side-quests, for exp, but it was kinda overkill.