I'm Half Crazy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Carwynhywel · 17

Deck built with 2x Core Set and before all cards are known!

Very early attempt at a solo Daisy deck.

Get Old Book of Lore into play as fast as possible with mulligan and/or Research Librarian. Use your extra Tome action for targeted card draw.

Scrying is an important card to help stack the Encounter Deck in your favour. Grab it early.

Flashlight, Magnifying Glass, Dr. Milan Christopher and Deduction boost investigation.

Use Mind over Matter or Shrivelling in combo with Holy Rosary for combat. Medical Texts for when you inevitably take damage.

Arcane Studies can boost either investigation or combat. The other skill cards help cover Daisy's weakest areas.


Oct 12, 2016 Kamalisk · 309

I am not sure of the value of it yet, but maybe Barricade might be a good fit for her, she really wants to avoid combat if able, I am not sure if works to stop enemies who are already engaged with you though (the rules do say they "move" with you). Mind over Matter and Shrivelling could then be used when defeating enemies is required for the scenario.

Oct 12, 2016 Carwynhywel · 17

My reading of Barricade is that it won't stop anything already in the same location as you when it is played. It also won't stop any you draw from the deck that spawn in your location.

So it really only works for stopping (non-Elite) Hunter enemies from moving to you. That might be lots of them, but it seems marginal. Hence I left it out. Zero cost and lots of icons though are nice though!

Oct 13, 2016 GreatGopher · 595

As much as I love Daisy (she will be first my go-to in multiplayer), I'm just not sure she's viable as a solo investigator with the cards spoiled so far. Low strength AND low agility means she's just going to fold to any monster stronger than a Rats. You get 2 turns with Mind over Matter where she's a goddess, and Shrivelling helps a teeny bit, but that's too few cards against too many monsters. Hopefully the unspoiled cards give Seeker some more combat love.

Of course, we've never actually played the game, so I could be totally wrong (and hope I am - I want to use Daisy!)

Oct 13, 2016 Carwynhywel · 17

You may be right, she's definitely going to have a tougher time against monsters than anyone else.

I'm pinning my hopes on her speed - she can get to the cards she needs quickly with Old Book of Lore and that extra action, plus she can pick up clues easily to rush through Acts. Combined with Scrying to mitigate the worst of the Encounter Deck, she might stand a chance!

If she hits a boss battle though? :(

Oct 14, 2016 Network57 · 8

Sorry if this has been spoiled already and I'm forgetting - are we sure her secondary class is Mystic?

Oct 14, 2016 GreatGopher · 595

@Network57 The rulebook was spoiled, and the suggested starter decks for each investigator reveal their secondary classes.

Oct 14, 2016 Network57 · 8

Ah. I never got far enough in reading that to get to the suggested starter decks.