[Guide] [Multiplayer] Black market Jenny

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Calprinicus · 5703



This is a High Roller / Well Connected build for Jenny. It uses two synergistic allies: Joey "The Rat" Vigil and Charles Ross, Esq.. This allows you to play a toolbox of items at speed at reduced cost.

"Overachiever" cards (succeed by 2 for bonus effect) also have great synergy with this High Roller build. Scavenging keeps your toolbox of items out the graveyard and Lucky Cigarette Case keeps your hand stocked.

NOTES: Most of my guides are around 25xp, which is equal to the average xp earned in a campaign. This build depends on if you use the Green Man Medallion for additional XP. It's 32 with the medallion, or 29 without (remove relic hunter)).


Your role with the group is to:


  • Lots of resources
  • Versatile toolbox of items at speed.
  • Can make high skill test on any test (10+).
  • Lots of XP (if you include Green Man Medallion)
  • Lots of resources


  • Long initial setup (~2-3 turns)
  • Limited evade options. (TFA campaign)



Jenny has two versions. (1) The version found in the Dunwich base box which includes Jenny's Twin .45s and the weakness Searching for Izzie (2) The promo found in the "Hour of the Huntress" novel which includes Green Man Medallion and the weakness Sacrificial Beast.

You can play with both the original & 'Replacement' in the same deck. If you wanted only one or are using for a shorter campaign, I would choose the original set as there are some fun tricks with Jenny's Twin .45s. The Green Man Medallion competes with Lucky Cigarette Case for the accessory slot, so essentially the first 3xp you earn from it are to pay for Relic Hunter.

Charles Ross

Charles Ross, Esq. is one of the most underrated allies in Arkham. His ability is accumulative, which means the cost of the next item is reduced by 1, then 2, then 3, etc. Additionally he can help allies play for items! He often nets 8+ resources a game. I've netting 5 free ammo on Jenny's Twin .45s and fully payed for an allies Lightning Gun!

Joey "The Rat" Vigil

Joey "The Rat" Vigil first ability is essentially pay 1 resource to make an item (aka: get a free action). This is incredibly powerful! Jenny has tons of resources so paying the extra resource will end up saving you many many actions over the course of a scenario.

Joey "The Rat" Vigil second ability is great for getting resources back when an item is depleted. Once you discard the item, you can retrieve it from your discard pile with Scavenging (then play it for fast Joey "The Rat" Vigil first ability!). This makes you have a continual Flashlight and Lockpicks for cluing!

These abilities combined with Charles Ross, Esq. means you will pay very little for item assets at speed and will likely net resources when you discard them to Joey "The Rat" Vigil 2nd ability. You can quickly change between a cluer with Lockpicks and flashlight or instantly become a gunner with lupara or colt vest pocket!


While we just discussed the benefit of using Scavenging with Joey "The Rat" Vigil to play items you just fetched from the discard pile, There is another use! Using items to commit to skill tests! You can use Green Man Medallion as a recurring Unexpected Courage (since it has ) and can be returned each time you successfully investigate (2+ over).

High Roller and Well Connected

These simply boost your skill value when you have money. They're pretty straight forward. Combined with the other boosts you get from Lockpicks, Flashlight, or your weapons, you'll be doing 7+ for all your skill tests. This will help trigger Lucky Cigarette Case and Scavenging.

Starting Deck





Upgrade Path

Depending on the campaign and how much you invest into Green Man Medallion, you may have additional XP. These are great cards for this deck.


Use the starter deck and make these changes:


Mar 29, 2021 Calprinicus · 5703

Clarification since I cannot edit:

  • "Charles Ross, Esq. is one of the most underrated allies in Arkham. His ability is accumulative, which means the cost of the next item is reduced by 1, then 2, then 4, etc."
  • This should read: "reduced by 1, then 2, then 3, etc."

Mar 30, 2021 alexalansmith14 · 689

Awesome build! Always great to see fellow High Roller Well Connected Jenny enthusiast :) Unfortunately I cannot try it with Joey because I won't get TDE in the near future, but the idea is neat, might try it with Ross.

Jul 07, 2021 Syrr · 1

Hello, your deck sound nice and funny. I'll try it!!! Could you give some advice for mulligan?