Silas fishes back (with skill)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ApoTheka · 2

At the moment I didn't really know where to go.

Used the Cherished Keepsake to handle with the low sanity, Track Shoes to move faster, Granny Orne for willpower-tests. The Keyring in combination with LwIf should contribute to clue finding, Lucky should grant the rest here. Being primarily a fighter, "not wihtout a fight" grants a good boost while fighting, Guts, Manual Dexterity, Overpower and Perception should help finding the Key Assets (Harpoon and/or Net) - also Take Hearts helps here.

Best thing is contributing Take Heart with one of these cards - if you fail you take back the 2-icon-card and draw 2 cards and get 2 resources, otherwise you take Take Heart back and draw 1 card in addition to whatever you achieved by passing the test.

You could also think about taking "live and learn" instead of "grit your teeth".


Oct 08, 2020 LivefromBenefitSt · 1049

I just got done with a Stella/Nathaniel run through TCU, and I never found a time where I wanted to play Grit Your Teeth. Eventually, I traded it for Drawing Thin and was reasonably happy. Given that Silas sometimes struggles with economy, maybe swap out "Look what I found!" for Winging It, which I found to be a very clutch card. Any thoughts about upgrades?