Quick-Thinking Lola

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

adran06 · 19

So, I made this deck as an experiment a while ago when I first learned about this site. Any recommendations for updates I can make using the newer cards? The whole plan was to take advantage of Lola's access to everything to maximize actions each time, while using the Talents and Assets to fuel her resources (both actual resources and card draws).


Aug 26, 2020 LaRoix · 1634

This deck looks awesome! I love Lola decks that take at least a little of everything, especially when it comes to events since you can quickly swap into the role you need on the fly and not have to worry about Crisis of Identity.

I do think the deck is a little light on the combat front. The .41 Derringer is good because it gives her that boost, but as you're running low on icons and methods through which to improve , I might caution against the Switchblade in favor of another derringer or maybe a Baseball Bat or Kukri. Enchanted Blade might be an interesting option since you're pretty light on both and .

Speaking of, you only have a couple of those and cards so it might be a good idea to add a few more. My thinking is if you're planning on switching to that class at some point during the game, you may as well pack one or two extra cards you can play. Deny Existence is a good defense (and it's cheaper than Hypnotic Gaze). Burglary might be challenging to reap the benefits from since you'll have to be a to use it. Two Emergency Cache's are probably good enough I would think, especially if you decide to go with a few of those cheaper options I mentioned. It looks like you're planning on being a most of the time, which makes me wonder if Leo De Luca is the best fit. He's extremely expensive to play and might end up getting discarded through Crisis of Identity. The other cards are relatively cheap to play so that wouldn't be that big of a deal. Weird thought, but maybe Joey "The Rat" Vigil or Charles Ross, Esq. might be a better fit since they can help with actions or costs depending upon what you prefer.

I built a Lola deck not too long ago that makes use of all the classes. I'll post you the link but do keep in mind I am in the middle of revising it. The big ones I need to cut from that deck are Dream Enhancing Serum and Let God Sort Them Out. But other than those two it's pretty solid and might give you some ideas. Happy Investigating!


Aug 26, 2020 adran06 · 19

@LaRoix While I did build with all 5 classes, that was never the focus of the build. The focus was always on hyper-action economy. All of my actions are either Fast, absolutely necessary to include in the deck, or give me resources to keep spamming. That first one is the main reason I included Switchblade. You're not wrong though, I can probably do better with a different weapon, even if I like it for that Fast trait.

I've actually been thinking of dropping the Guardian and Mystic cards entirely, to focus the deck a bit better so I don't have to occasionally switch to a role with almost no cards to it. I can find equivalents for the Guardian and Mystic cards in my other roles anyway, so its not a huge loss.

Aug 26, 2020 mattastrophic · 3071

After giving this decklist a onceover, I'd definitely suggest shoring up the combat and adding a few more resource-generating cards. 2x Emergency Cache and 2x Unexpected Courage seem good here off the top of my head, in place of the Hypnotic Gazes (3-cost) and probably the Burglaries (slow and hard to reliably succeed at). Machetes would make good replacements for the pretty-awful Switchblades, staying in the Core, and finding room for Vicious Blows and/or Deductions would help with the maximizing-actions angle, because they cost 0 and don't take an action to play.