Little Match Girl - Wendy Adams Utility

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BD Flory · 239

Wendy's down on her luck, so she's broke like the Little Match Girl. Her low cost of living and reliance on skill cards lets her skate on resources.

Scavenging is key, allowing Wendy to recycle Baseball Bat and Flashlight (which send each other to discard), recharging the flashlights in the process. Rabbit's Foot and Wendy's Amulet can be juggled on alternate tests for wild icons you can scavenge, and this is the Amulet's primary use in this deck -- it should never be played to your board except in dire emergencies.

Matched skill cantrips for any skill test, combined with scavenging, Opportunist and Pickpocketing, keep Wendy's hand full of icons for investigation and evasion, or an emergency Backstab.

Aggressive card draw makes Wendy vulnerable to Abandoned and Alone. If it hits her late in a deck cycle, she'll have to back off or suffer badly from horror as she draws through her deck quickly.


Dec 12, 2016 Shining Aquas · 7

I'll be honest with you, I don't think Baseball Bat is worth running in the Wendy Deck. Her Strength is so low that even a bat isn't really enough. I do agree that it has good synergy with Scavenging but the bat isn't just doesn't seem worth it when your base strength is 1.

Maybe consider replacing it with Sneak Attack? It's much easier for Wendy to evade and exhaust enemies than to straight up fight. It might not have synergy with Scavenging but it does work with Wendy's Amulet. You could even run both by swapping 2 Sneak Attack out for 1 Baseball Bat and 1 of either Pickpocketing or Stray Cat.

Just a thought.

Dec 12, 2016 BD Flory · 239

Cheers! The bat is sometimes useful on its own merit, and more importantly, its what allows me to discard flashlights from play so I can bounce them back with scavenging and replay them with full charges.

Without the bat, I have to wait on a Crypt Chill to discard my flashlights.