Skids' Dunwich Campaign (Blood on the altar)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Skids' Dunwich Campaign (post Where Doom Awaits) 0 0 0 1.0

PapaOurs · 8

Skids is my favorite character since the core set campaign, but I waited a long time before actually taking him on the road to Dunwich. Having played the first scenarios with other investigators, I felt that I would have a really hard time with O'Toole. 5 packs laters, the card pool seems big enough to let Skids take his chance !

The biggest weakness of Skids is, of course, his low will. And believe me, a LOT of encounter cards rely on your investigator passing a will test. That's why I added Physical Training during the campaign thanks to Adaptable. I rarely found myself struggling on cash and could pump my will for the most important tests. Guts and Unexpected Courage give us another way to increase our will when needed. At that point of the campaign, it worked pretty well.

The other weakness we have to deal with is the poor choices of the rogues when it comes to gathering clues. Besides the mandatory Perception and Flashlight, Streetwise is a godsend. Those +3 Intellect will help you tremensdously (as will The Necronomicon. Even if I didn't reach Rex efficiency in clue gathering, I seldom had difficulties while investigating.

Having dealt with our weaknesses, we can focus on our advantages. The ability to pay for an action and Leo De Luca will gave us the edge once we are set up. We can count on Lone Wolf and later on Hot Streak to give us the money we need. Upgrading to Leo De Luca is the first priority, and you must mulligan for him, at all cost.

Skids is also a very able fighter, thanks to the guardian cards and the powerful Switchblade. This is the only weapon I actually used during the campaign, I'm not kidding. It took care of EVERYTHING the encounter deck threw at me. I also included a few escape cards in case of bad luck, and Skids can always count on his high agility.

The best starting hand would be : Lone Wolf Switchblade Leo De Luca Flashlight and one money making card (Emergency Cache or Hot Streak.

All in all, this a very fun and efficient deck, which helped me to achieve the best resolution in almost all the scenarios. And don't forget : Switchblade is life !

P.S. : I'm not a native speaker, so feel free to point out any mistakes !


Jun 19, 2017 Magnificate · 1197

It's an extremely similar setup to my Jenny, but I can't afford as much blue cards. How is Dodge serving you? Is evading enemies with Streetwise not reliable enough in your experience?

Jun 20, 2017 PapaOurs · 8

I like Dodge quite a lot because you don't have to pass a test to ignore the damages. I used Streetwise a few times to evade, but more as a panic button (Essex County Express spawning two Emergent Monstrosity on top of me for exemple).

All in all, if I had to redo this deck, I would go with a more agressive version, as escapes and dodges were not as beneficial as I thought they would be. Or maybe I was just lucky, you never know ;)