Agenda. Stage 3
Doom: 5. Clues: –
The city is alive. Not alive in its usual sense - music and revelry and glamor - but truly, disturbingly alive. The streets shift under your feet, walls undulating as though breathing, windows glaring at you from afar. Sweat beads on your forehead. Is this all real? Or just paranoia?
Forced – If there are 3 or more set-aside hollows: Choose and remove 1 of them from the game and place 1 doom on this agenda. This effect may cause this agenda to advance.
Yoann Boissonnet
As Chaves Escarlates Expansão de Campanha #94. Dancing Mad #4.
Erasure - Back
You stop in your tracks, taking stock of your surroundings. The joyous noise of Havana has returned. A stillness has settled over the city. No more eyes in the shadows. No more familiar clouds. Stars twinkle above, mocking your suspicion with their charming beauty. Desi and his crew are nowhere to be found. And, worse...
There are sudden gaps in your memory.
There are sudden gaps in your memory.
Remove each hollow from the game.
Gather each hollow that was removed from the game throughout this scenario. Each investigator finds their hollow with the highest experience cost and exiles it.
In the Campaign Log, record erased from existence: and next to this, record the names of each unique card exiled in this way. For the rest of the campaign, players cannot include any copies of those cards (by title) in their decks (immediately remove any copies from each investigator's deck).
(→R2) (page 31)

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