Agenda. Stage 2
Doom: 6. Clues: –
Being hunted by the Coterie was bad enough; now you worry any random object you pass on the street, or even the sky itself, could simply swallow you whole, never to be seen or heard from again.
Forced – If there are 4 or more set-aside hollows: Choose and remove 2 of them from the game and place 1 doom on this agenda. This effect may cause this agenda to advance.
Yoann Boissonnet
As Chaves Escarlates Expansão de Campanha #93. Dancing Mad #3.
Mimicry - Back
As if possessed by a strange compulsion, your eyes continuously drift to the clouds obscuring the starless night sky. Every now and again, one cloud haunts your sight. The same cloud, every time. Its shape burns into your retina. Are you going mad? Your eyes trace around its outline. It cannot be the same. You saw the flash that caused that cloud to vanish. Didn't you?
The lead investigator must decide (choose one):
- Search the encounter deck and discard pile for an enemy with the concealed keyword and draw it (resolving its concealed keyword). Shuffle the encounter deck.
- Reveal the top card of each investigator's deck. Each investigator draws each weakness they revealed in this way. Set each other revealed card aside, out of play, as a hollow.

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