Traição. Fraqueza



Revelação - Prepare cada inimigo em seu local ou em um local conectado. Cada inimigo caçador em um local conectado se move 1 local em sua direção. Se nenhum inimigo se mover como resultado deste efeito, embaralhe Pego em Flagrante de volta em seu baralho.

Tiziano Baracchi
A Era Esquecida #12.
Pego em Flagrante


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: Regarding Caught Red-Handed, Finn Edwards' signature weakness: "Ready each enemy at your location or a connecting location." Is there any choice involved? If yes, can I choose a connecting location without a monster at all even though I have an exhausted monster in my location? Since the wording doesn't have "must" I can choose an option that doesn't change a game state, right? Or conjunction "or" in this sentence actually means "and", and I need to ready all exhauster monster in my location AND all connecting? A: When you draw Caught Red-Handed, you check your location and each connecting location for enemies, choose a location from among them with at least one enemy, and ready each enemy in the chosen location (not every location). The only way you get around this is if there’s no enemies at your location or any connecting locations. (Rules Form, January 2024)
Last updated


I love how this card interacts with one of Finn Edwards best assets: Pickpocketing. You evaded an enemy and now you get a draw? Yaaay! Oh no, you got Caught Red-Handed. Not only do you lose the draw, your evade was wasted too. And since 90% there won't be another enemy near, Caught Red-Handed gets shuffled back into the deck. Awch!

Of course, the more people you play with, the more chance there is that there will be a hunter enemy at a connecting location. But even though I play most my games with 3, I've found that hunter enemies appear at connecting locations quite infrequently (since you want to kill those ASAP). And then you need to draw Caught Red-Handed at that exact moment to get rid of it.

I like (and hate) this weakness because it really makes you think whether it's truly worth risking that draw from Pickpocketing, especially if multiple enemies are exhausted. An easy way to get rid of this weakness is good old Mr. "Rook", being able to move away from the hunter enemy and exactly time drawing your weakness. However, it does take one of Finn's valuable Seeker/Survivor slots, and competes as an ally slot with the very important Peter Sylvestre (as Finn takes more horror than most with his low Willpower).

Nenananas · 258
For me Mr Rook is disposable, i wouldn't count him as occupying your ally slot. At the latest when his secrets are used i either replace him or i assign the final damage/ horror. — Django · 5108
Because Caught Red Handed actually moves an enemy toward you it can actually save you an action to move and/or engage an enemy if you're intentionally drawing it with Rook — Zinjanthropus · 229
It's a pretty gentle weakness as these things go, I think. If you draw in it in upkeep it doesn't do anything by definition because the enemies have just readied, and even if you draw it in your turn it typically wastes an action at most. It's only really dangerous in situations where there are more enemies at your location than you can safely re-evade or there's a hunter boss you're trying to do something clever with. And even in those situations it maybe just means you get attacked by an enemy or two. There are much worse worst-case-scenario results from signature weaknesses , lol. Even Tony's Quarry, which I think is also pretty tame, can cost you a whole round's worth time, if you draw it in the upkeep where the agenda is And it can even be helpful from time to time. If you've evaded a hunter enemy and moved away, (Vengeance enemies in TFA , for instance) it can attract it to you so you can evade it again w/o doubling back or getting attacked. And it's always funny when the hunter enemy it attracts is another weakness enemy with Prey : Someone else only and it can't do anything to Finn xD — bee123 · 31
I agree with your review. I have intentionally decided not to trigger Pickpocketing at times because I could not risk drawing this weakness (and didn't have time to do additional evades during my turn). — iceysnowman · 164

A flavorful signature weakness. Looking at the two elements, the effect and the discard condition, we get:

The effect: Ready enemies at Finn's location or a connecting location. Hunters within one location move towards Finn. Note that they do not engage or attack at this time, so, if it gets drawn in upkeep, Finn has a whole turn to deal with the fallout. Mostly, this gets reshuffled, which is annoying, but hardly scenario-ending. Once in a while, it can trigger in-turn and leave Finn vulnerable to a lot of attacks in the Enemy Phase, but it mostly sets him up to do more evading, which is Finn's bread and butter. Heck, if he has Pickpocketing (2), Finn might welcome this.

The discard condition: One and done, unless it has no effect, in which case it goes back into the deck to try again.

All in all, this is a below average signature weakness, mostly because it keeps getting reshuffled until it hurts you. It might even be way below, in scenarios without many hunters. Edit: This weakness probably gets upgraded in 4-player, as more enemies mean more trouble for Finn.

Disagree on this one. CRH is actually a weakness that tends to hurt substantially somehow. It punishes Finn for draw pretty hard since it usually gets reshuffled (the weakness comes back and denies several draws). In the instance it isn't reshuffled, you might actually be put into a horrible situation (one of those weaknesses that can catch someone off guard in solo especially). This isn't the worst Rogue weakness, but it's not the tamest either. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
In fact the more common scenario is you Pickpocketing into this, not the other way around. If it hits beginning of round, it's easier to deal with, but often it hits mid round which is usually much worse. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Wouldn't hunters who move to Finn's location as a result of this card engage at that time, since they are readied and now at Finn's location? — Signum · 14
I feel that shuffling the cards again is a bad thing, because it will come back and lose 1 draw action. — h2ovn · 1

I think Caught Red-Handed is wrongly designed weakness. The effect commonly make the player angry. Why? This has two main effect:

  1. Ready each enemy at your location or a connecting location.
  2. Each hunter enemy at a connecting location moves 1 location toward you.

However, the discard condition only refers "second" condition. Even if the first condition met, Caught Red-Handed is returned to the deck after making all enemy ready. Notice that it's very easy to meet first condition; whereas it's rare to meet second condition.

Finn has free evade action. Thus, it's very common that he has Pickpocketing. After he evade an enemy, he trigger the Pickpocketing, and draw card. What if that card is Caught Red-Handed? Just evaded enemy is ready! In general, no hunter enemy moves so that Caught Red-Handed is returned into his deck. Now, Finn wasted evade, card. However, the weakness is still in deck.

elkeinkrad · 497
You’re right if you ignore the existence of this card. A smart player should consider enemy positions and draw effects before starting his turn. Either position an enemy so this card is discarded or don’t draw during your turn — Django · 5108
Whenever we start to manage this weakness, it's obvious that Caught Red-Handed is one of the most powerful signature weakness. I write this review because I has feel that many of user overlook that. — elkeinkrad · 497
Agree, it' — CHA · 8
Agree, it's a horrible weakness and a bit of bad design. Really brings down an investigator that should be fun but has weak deckbuilding and a bad weakness. — CHA · 8
Correct me if I'm wrong - and I probably am wrong. — Snjuer · 1
But the way I read this weakness it means "choose your location or a connected location", then ready all enemies at the chosen location. So let's say I'm at location A with an disengaged exhausted enemy. At a connected location B there are no enemies at all. I choose location B, since it's connected to my location and then ready all enemies at that location (none). Then I can choose the same or another connected location and move all hunter enemies there. Again I could just choose a location without a hunter enemy. — Snjuer · 1
@Snjuer When an effect presents you with a choice you always need to make the choice which changes the game state. Since choosing an empty location doesn't change the game state its not a valid choice. — nikee40 · 4
@nikee40 "In the absence of the word "must" while choosing among multiple options, any option may be chosen upon the resolution of the effect – even an option that does not change the game state." This is from the rules reference book (page 16, "must"). I still somehow feel that I'm wrong or misinterpreting something... — Snjuer · 1
As I understand it, here we have just a bad wording. Word "or" implies there is a choice involved, but in fact it means that you need to ready all enemies that are situated in your or a connecting locations and "or" here means "and" actually. — chrome · 59