Preston Goes Dumpster Diving

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DarthJoJo · 70

This Preston Fairmont is a man of contradictions. He is a man of means, but he cannot allow something once used to remain discarded. He cannot bear the thought of sullying the family name with ownership of things of illicit provenance, but his greatest friend is a great criminal.

It's a Scavenging Preston, folks. Why bother taking tests when you can just pay for the result? Play Lantern for damage and Shovel for clues, pull them back with Scavenging and play them out fast with "The Rat." I don't see anyway this combo could go wrong.

This deck, too, is a contradiction. Is it solo? Is it multiplayer? Perhaps it is a bit of both. Preston has a bit of a scenario zero problem and wouldn't mind a little support at those times, but once he has that Streetwise and some consistent buffs to his intellect to assure his Scavenging triggers, he can be trusted to just go out on his own and take care of himself. He can do a little damage, he can find some clues, he can run away when he gets in over his head.

Upgrades? Streetwise, sure. Lola Santiago, yeah. After that, go as the spirit moves you. Level three Rise to the Occasion? Against All Odds? Level two Hot Streak? Groovy.


Feb 07, 2019 Django · 5032

Its interesting to see another unconventional Preston deck, i agree his stats require an unconventional approach.

Be aware that Preston Fairmont is limited to lv2 Survivor, so he can't play Rise to the Occasion 3 (as well as Will to Survive, True Survivor,...). It's a shame though, otherwise there'd be even less reason to play survivor characters, cause none of their cards costs more than 3 XP.

I'm just wondering about the encounter deck, how do you handle that with no boosts like Dig Deep or soaks?

Feb 07, 2019 DarthJoJo · 70

Money Talks and Well Connected, mostly, I guess. Level two Dig Deep, possibly. Probably nothing too scary in the encounter deck.

Feb 08, 2019 Django · 5032

Fire Axe and the cards you mentioned partly conflict each other (unless you ignore the axes extra damage).

I'd really like to play a deck with preston that hoards lots of ressources, so Fire Axe and Dark Horse won't work. However with XP preston should have no problem to afford Timeworn Brand.

Feb 08, 2019 DarthJoJo · 70

I do think this is probably a multiplayer deck. Fire Axe just adds a little extra damage when the Lantern isn't available or a first choice and leaves the rest of the heavy lifting to the Guardian.