Mr. Pawterson and Big Brother Bill #7: EP. CANCELLED

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Mr. Pawterson and Big Brother Bill #6: Delve Deep! 3 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Mr. Pawterson and Big Brother Bill #8: Delve Deeper! 3 1 0 1.0

Magnificate · 1203

Body of a Yithian, extra , 1 Physical Trauma, Yithian Observer defeated, Interview Room

Supplies: Provisions, Medicine, Map, Compass, Binoculars, Chalk, Pocketknife

Opening Hand: Evidence!, Resourceful, Stroke of Luck, Guard Dog, "Look what I found!"

Attached below is the apology intended to be received by viewers tuning in to "Mr. Pawterson and Big Brother Bill" . To be read in warm human voice.

Due to the host being unavailable the latest episode of Mr. Pawterson and Big Brother Bill will not be broadcasted at present time. The show itself is pending cancellation. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Attached below are relevant security recordings regarding the human involvement in the recent security breach. Recommendations for post-audit corrective actions and security improvements are outlined.


Observation: Putting subjects in nearby chambers allowed them find each other and cooperate. Recommend separating known associates. Note that cross-species cooperation is possible regardless of differing intellect levels.


Observation: Interrogation was conducted without being noted in the system. Recommend the system flags all interrogations with no submitted reports or memos.



Observation: Subject was not recognized as an escapee despite being seen. Recommend introducing an obvious visual cue to denote mind-transferred subjects. Note that it needs to be tested whether the benefits of the subjects being immediately recognizable outweigh the issues caused by them being able to find each other and cooperate.


Observation: Unrelated to the audit at hand, but whomever left that thing in the kitchen ought to be ashamed of himself.

Observation: Subject was able to guess a password to a secured terminal. The password has been deemed to have sufficient strength. The subject hadn't been observed to acquire the password from another source. Further investigation needed. In addition, request more human subjects to be delivered for the express purpose of studying the concept of luck.

Observation: Animated corpses were missed by internal scanners. Recommend either recalibrating or upgrading such scanners to detect unlife forms.


Observation: Subject picked up a facsimile of Mr. Pawterson's corporeal form, not being able to tell the difference from the original. If subject can still be reached request switching the original for the facsimile with survey equipment hidden inside.



Observation: System logs indicate sealing the doors due to security alert. However, no such alert was sounded at the time, nor has the subject been present at the tower. No evidence of the system tampering tampered from the outside has been uncovered so far. Nevertheless, in light of the earlier observation of the password being inexplicably broken, recommend the system logs to be scrutinized again.

Campaign Log:

The Untamed Wilds: Yorick cleared a path to the Eztli ruins! Ichtaca is wary of Yorick! Alejandro followed the investigators into the ruins! 6 XP (Ichtaca, Ruins of Eztli, Serpent's Haven, 2 extra XP), Yig’s Fury: 2. 1 Psychical Trauma.

The Doom of Eztli: Yorick recovered the Relic of Ages! The Harbinger is still alive (2 1)! Yorick gave custody of the relic to Alejandro! 4 XP (Chamber of Time, Grand Chamber, Burial Pit), Yig’s Fury: 6.

Threads of Fate: Yorick found the missing relic! Yorick rescued Alejandro! Ichtaca is in the dark! 7 XP (Northside, Eztli Exhibit, Arkham Police Station, Town Hall, Bury Them Deep, 2 bonus XP, 3 XP spent to heal poison), Yig’s Fury: 6.

The Boundary Beyond: 2 paths are known to Yorick! The Harbinger is still alive (4 2)! Yorick mapped the way forward! 4 XP (Padma Amrita, 2 locations), Yig’s Fury: 8.

Heart of the Elders: The Harbinger is still alive (8 4)! 4 XP (Circuitous Trail, Stone Altar, Perilous Gulch, Crystal Pillars), Yig’s Fury: 9.

The City of Archives: Yorick resisted captivity! The process was successful! Alejandro remembers everything! 6 XP (Yithian Observer, Interview Room, Yithian Orrery, Bury Them Deep, 2 bonus XP), Yig’s Fury: 9. 1 Psychical Trauma.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: It has been pointed out that when the final attack against the Harbinger of Valusia connects the timing is such that resources come before damage. That means the Harbinger of Valusia does not take damage from the attacks that drives it away. This public service announcement is sponsored by Mythosbusters Discord.