True Detective - 2xCore + Return of the Night only - 16XP

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NotSure · 21

2p deck for the Core campaign (Return of the Night of the Zealot)


Sep 03, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67586

nice deck, but just incase you dont know, the upgraded Physical Training is from return to night of the Zealot rather than the core. Ofc its very easy to proxy with a core set card

Sep 03, 2018 NotSure · 21

Thanks ! Played with a friend who had Agnes (with the same 2xCore + Return limitation) We just manage R1 in the Devourer Below tonight on our first run. Scored 5 in the second chapter too.

Amulet was discarded early and shotgun never came. Thankfully we managed R1 just in time !