Jim Culver Stays Cool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Joothup · 1

This is a supportive Jim deck designed for 4 player campaign. The idea is to be somewhat good at everything (clues and fighting) and just be chill about all the horrors we see with insane amounts of willpower icons. Also the role is designed to be supportive to others via horror healing (Logical Reasoning and Fearless). Horror heals are also good for Jim himself because we have Arcane Research. It is in the deck for upgrading Shrivelling and Ward of Protection a lot faster. It seems that for this supportive build Ward of Protection(2) is maybe good enough, so you can take encounters from other investigators hands. "Let me handle this!" is here for the same reason as we want to help others, and Jim is best at dealing with treachery cards which require willpower. You can also combo level 1 Ward of Protection with "Let me handle this!". Shortcut and Elusive are such good cards that they would be hard not to include. Hypnotic Gaze is here to combo with Dark Prophecy, which in turn was included 'cause we need them skulls!

Economy seems fine as costs are already pretty low and we have 4 resource sources. I thought about including The Chthonian Stone, but made some calculations, and the odds of getting at least 1 skull rose about 2% for each test after sealing 1 token (even with Dark Prophecy, according to my pretty bad math), so the 1 action and 3 resource cost sounded pretty awful.

For upgrades Grotesque Statue is a must. Other priority 1s are Ward of Protection and Shrivelling using the Arcane Research permanents (first ward is free!). I have also thought about adding Spirit Athame and Song of the Dead. It would also be good to consider Seal of the Elder Sign, if there is a lot of spare XP.

New deck, so every suggestion is welcome!


Jun 29, 2018 CecilAlucardX · 10

If you are adding in athames and statues, I would recommend getting some Backpacks to carryahem find them quicker. Backpack is the one-shot arcane initiate.

You may also want to drop the combat part and go whole hog seeking/support. Trade out shriveling for Mists of R'lyeh, holy rosary for St. Hubert's Key, and storm/let me handle this for mag glasses (backpackable!) or working a hunch. Losing shriveling may mean arcane research isn't as juicy (you only have blinding light/ward of protect/rite of seeking as targets) so maybe dropping one or both of them will be appropriate.