Damage Soak Calvin: 4p DL Campaign

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EdgeSeeker · 7

This deck is for a 4 player Dunwich Legacy campaign with Zoey Samaras, Rex Murphy, and Finn Edwards.

The goal of this deck is to have Calvin take care of any problems while he lets Finn, Zoey, and Rex do the majority of the monster killing and clue getting. There is a lot of messing with encounter cards so other investigators don't have to worry about them. I also plan to bring back discarded Survivor cards with Resourceful, Scavenging, and eventually A Chance Encounter (I don't like the 0 XP version).

XP will be spent on Scrapper and Plucky first, then Charisma and A Chance Encounter. Late in the campaign, I would like to have 2 copies of Charisma and a copy of The Red-Gloved Man. I really intend to soak up a ton of damage.