ATTACK Lola Hayes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

monorico · 224

This deck is an attack/evade lola, who can occasionally investigate. The only investigate in this deck is the flashlight.

You have 3 main classes in this deck, Rogue, Guardian, and Survivor. Each class has it's own weapon so if you lose all your cards in one class (due to weakness) you still can have a weapon on the table.

Guardian is meant to be more passive, so you don't have to constantly sit in guardian so you can reap the benefit of a +1 fight from the beat cop without having to worry about her weakness killing him. And you can occasionally switch to it to heal some damage or throw some dynamite.

Rogue is meant to help you get away from enemies you can't kill, with stealth and elusive ready to go if needed. Also a narrow escape in case you lost your weapon, then need to play one, or need +2 to fight or evade test. "Watch this" is there to help you get some resources and could combo very well with fire axe if you still have your free action available during the attack.

Survivor is probably going to be your main weapon cllass, it has fire axe and grave digger shovel. As well as lantern. Dumb luck and hiding spot were added to help evade enemies you don't want to kill, or don't need to.

There is a neutral weapon Kukri, so you can get a free hit on an enemy. You can switch this for knife, it is just nice to have one weapon that will stay out no matter when your weakness is drawn.

I have included skill cards to help with fight and agility, to fight the monsters you have to, and evade the ones you don't.