The Mystic Arts -Sorcerer Supreme - Dr. Strange Joins Arkham

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SaltyElderberry · 66

Practice the mystic arts with this Dr. Strange theme deck and burn down the Sanctum Sanctorum.

In this deck, you can show off your magical prowess with some clue focused spells. You can place a spectral shield on yourself and allies to block incoming damage and horror (eating charges off eyes of the dreamer). Ritual candles and Scroll of secrets are cheap assets to bounce out of play for free play actions later on using your investigator ability.

Consider pairing with combat focused deck.

As a theme-focused superhero deck, I would suggest playing on easy (you are a superhero after all..)

Captain America:

Black Widow:
