Down the Rabbit hole with Diana Stanley

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Someguy842 · 1

This is a Diana deck intended to run through the Path to Carcosa as part of a flex duo with Joe Diamond.

The level one deck is a little inconsistent as it relies on getting a few cancels before the clue collecting portion can work.

Upgrade path is: 2x Machete ==> Cyclopean Hammer 2x Uncage the Soul ==> Prophetic

Everything else is either upgradable or works as is. I will say I am unsure if down the rabbit hole is a good fit as the hammers are pretty much your entire two first sessions xp budget and that is a major tempo drag but after that it is smooth sailing. It is very nice that upgrading the first spell every game is nearly free but you will also be starting relatively low on hp/Sanity with low soak and low healing. Some tweaks might be in order but some playtesting in two handed solo makes this pretty promising.