Molly & Dex, The ultimate Flex!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Noir · 16


Have you ever wanted to take a TON of actions? I mean a TON. I'm talkin' like 6+ actions per turn here folks, and its not just a magic trick I swear!

With this deck we will try to assemble a Rube Goldberg-esque machine that allows us to do many magic tricks in one turn. This machine is comprised of: Haste, 2X Sign Magick, Scavenging, and Eon Chart. Later on we can use True Magick to enhance this combo and cut down our play actions.

Early on (before we acquire XP) the deck is simply a Mystic flex deck, using cards like Scroll of Prophecies, Molly Maxwell, and Arcane Initiate to quickly gain access to your spells. Because this deck wants upwards of 13XP to really be online I decided to take In the Thick of It and Charon's Obol, dumping both trauma into our sanity as Molly and the Initiate can provide an astounding 6 sanity soak if needed (plus Dexter's 5 can allow him to dodge some nasty encounter cards).

Once you have obtained some XP via Obol & Delve Too Deep you will be looking to assemble your Goldberg machine. This is the order I would recommend getting your level-up cards: Haste, both Sign Magick, True Magick, two Eon Chart, and finally Versatile for Scavenging. Once you have these cards (and you tutor them all into your hand via Molly / Initiate) your turn can look like:

  1. Action one: Investigate / Attack / Evade with Sixth Sense, Wither, or Blur via your True Magick.
  2. Use the on both Sign Magick, targeting True Magick while revealing any of the spells you wish to use for your next two Sign actions.
  3. Use the on Eon Chart to take an investigate action from True Magick (Sixth Sense).
  4. Use the on Haste to take ANOTHER spell action via True Magick (Haste allows you to take an additional "" action).
  5. You now have two actions to take however your heart desires :)

Now we are able to take about 7 actions per turn! (most of them being spell actions). A fun loop exists later on with your versatile scavenging where you can use Dexters ability to discard an empty Chart and play another one for 1 resource and no action, then use your Sixth Sense + Scavenging to get back the empty one you just lost!


Feb 07, 2025 Slaaneshi · 1

You are correct about the True Magick and Sign Magick interaction, FAQ, v.2.1, August 2023 covers it explicitly. Its on the former card’s page as well as in faq pdf.

Neat deck, my man.

Feb 07, 2025 Noir · 16

Oh I am happy to hear that it does indeed work!! I will update the deck description accordingly!! Thank u :3