Harvey Walters: Hunters of the Mythos Season 1 Draft Multipl

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ShadowK · 1

This is my draft deck for the first season of Hunters of the Mythos Multiplayer Draft on the Mythos Busters discord! My other investigator on the team is Tommy Muldoon. Overall, there is room for improvement, but there are some interesting combos. I drafted one copy of Astounding Revelation because I already had two Mr. "Rook" and two Practice Makes Perfect so even with only one copy that seemed pretty strong. I also got two copies of Unearth the Ancients because even though its a generally a pretty weak card, my complete lack of economy means those have to do some heavy lifting. Otherwise though, got a Dr. Milan Christopher and a Chemistry Set which are both nice additions. My clue compression is very low but we'll see if we can hack it with just VS. shroud. I was very happy to get two copies of Transmogrify, especially for Forgotten Age because otherwise my team has absolutely no . As for my Prowess and Path, I decided to take no prowess because with draft its difficult to secure myself from the danger of those challenges. I also decided to go my own path, because I have never done it before, so that should be fun. I'll link my Tommy Deck once I have drafted it.

DISCLAIMER: I drafted with the intent of physical play, and as such did not include the Innsmouth Conspiracy of Scarlet Keys cycles because I do not own them.