Daisy's Memoir

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Time4Tiddy · 245

This is a concept parallel Daisy deck designed as the primary seeker in a two player game. The major focus here is on a combo with Grim Memoir, The Raven Quill, and Alice Luxley. Raven Quill will make Grim Memoir not provoke attacks of opportunity, and later allow Alice to ready after use, so that Daisy can ping Alice twice in a turn while discovering clues at monster locations.

Whitton Greene can be used to tutor out the tome, and then Calling in Favors swaps her with Alice.

Your perfect turn here would be 2 actions on Grim Memoir with Practice Makes Perfect to either double discover two clues, two cards, and two damage (Deduction) or double discover a single clue while refunding the secret (Enraptured), along with the two cards and two damage.

Required xp here is 5 for Raven Quill (Living Quill, Spectral Binding, Interwoven Ink). Spectral Binding allows Daisy to have 4 tomes in play without Daisy's Tote Bag. Since Raven Quill upgrades itself, you could have all this together after the first scenario fairly easily.