The Librarian Cometh... for your clues.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AstralAlex · 3

Have you ever wanted clues?

Have you ever wanted to just... find things?

Well guess what. You can do that.

This deck focuses on maximising Daisy's investigator ability by granting the free on tome abilities while also granting you plenty of options to choose from with 6 (six) hand slots.

Utilising Daisy's Tote Bag and 2x Arcane Enlightenment grants 4 extra Hand slots for tomes which leaves your own hands free to hold whatever your heart desires! But I hope your heart desires Sign Magick, Scrying Mirror or Fingerprint Kit because those are your only options.

Having your own hands free gives you some room to play. You can use Sign Magick to enable you to use Dream-Enhancing Serum (By playing Arcane enlightenment after Sign Magick) which in turn will increase the buff you get from Celaeno Fragments, or if you're struggling to land a very needed skill test you can equip the Scrying Mirror and plan ahead from there with skill cards.

But some of you may be asking "What happens when the books run out of Secrets?" and to that I say... Good question. The answer is Quantum Flux. Of course you will run out of charges, as all use-based Assets do. You can delay the inevitable with Enraptured and Truth from Fiction but death comes for all of us. Even books.

But FEAR NOT! Because any time we are forced to part from our precious books or if we've expended all of our use restoring cards, we can just... start over. Quantum Flux allows you to shuffle your discard pile back into your deck without suffering the usual horror damage because you know that you've just given yourself a present... And that present is more books, baby.

So, of course you're probably asking "Can this deck do literally anything else?" and... uh... no, not really. This is not a solo deck and if you try to use it in a solo game I think you will just perish. You can fight with events such as "I've got a plan!" and "Throw the Book at Them!" but... thats about it. For now. When you get some XP, you're able to make a fine purchase of one (1) Abyssal Tome which will give you a fighting chance if you need it. However, this deck focuses entirely on being a dedicated clue harvester and you'll be relying on your friends to bail you out outside of gathering clues.

But boy howdy will you get some clues.