Lola Hayes - Learning who she Is

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dlikos · 144

Notes below are what I used to make sure I stayed within legal parameters as I upgraded. If you follow the tiers you will remain legally constructed.

G 6, M 9, R 4, Se 7, Su 18

Tier 1 (9) Gang Up (Map the area, Anatomical Diagrams) Peter Sylvestre (Overpower, Perception) Charisma

G 8, M 9, R 4, Se 5, Su 20

Tier 2 (10) Shriveling (Shriveling) Blackjack (Blackjack)

G 8, M 9, R 4, Se 5, Su 20

Tier 3 (10) Holy Rosary (Holy Rosary) Unscrupulous Loan (Faustian Bargain)

G 10, M 7, R 4, Se 5, Su 22

Tier 4 (4) Call for Backup (Keep Faith)