Skids "Insane in the brain" Toole job?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

braindrayn · 14

Let's face it, with the worst mind stat in the game you're going to be taking horror... why not try to turn that weakness into a strength? Inspired by the other "insane" deck archetypes posted here and partly on my own personal musings I present to you a theoretical "insane" version of a Skids deck. The premise is simple take 3 horror ASAP to empower your desperation cards. Fight when you can, evade when you can't. This deck is designed to work with a dedicated cluever but with some simple changes it could possibly be tailored for solo play.

Main problem I see with this deck being what to do with all your desperation draws until you lose enough sanity as you can't pitch them to do anything useful (a la Ashcan).

The upgrade paths I see being mostly to buy further into the whole win by 2 mechanic by picking up upgraded derringers and switchblades. Lockpicks can be picked up for solo play if so desired.

To be honest I'm not even sure if this is a viable strategy for a Skids deck. I'm posting this mainly to encourage discussion around what is considered a weaker investigator in the game. Thoughts are welcome!